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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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7 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

It is good question though. Who would succeed Trump?

My sources tell me that dead body parts are being secretly collected at Mar-a-Lago, and Dr. Frank N. Stein has been hired to try to put someone together. The main challenge is to find a good abnormal brain.




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9 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

No,they couldn't win. They're both sort of old. They will be 65 and 62. The only factor that's hard to a gauge is how will Trump wear when he's out of office without a real megaphone? There are some of his supporters who will support no one else but Trump. It is good question though. Who would succeed Trump?

What do you mean? Seems like you need a few marbles rolling around to be president. 70+ 🙂 

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9 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

There are some of his supporters who will support no one else but Trump. It is good question though. Who would succeed Trump?


I don't know. Look around and see who is stealing and grifting the most from his own supporters. The MAGA people seem to like that.

Steve Thomas

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9 hours ago, Cliff Varnell said:

Nikki Haley/Mike Pompeo

Or visa-versa... 

Pompeo would, certainly, add some weight to the 2024 GOP ticket.

As for KIrk's question about Republicans condemning Trump for secretly selling COVID vaccine stockpiles to Putin, I seriously doubt it.


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Trump's continuous choosing of top campaign and other appointees who were a rogues gallery of grifters so obviously and deeply corrupted that it's sickly perverse that anyone pretends this isn't what he himself is all about.

Manafort doing million dollar corrupt deals with foreign leaders. Laundering money through Cyprus Island banks. Crime admitting Michael Flynn? Trump Wall charity robber Steve Bannon? Millions toward his own use?

Flipping out Brad Parscale who has also been accused of financial misdoings?

The TV show "American Greed" would have a years worth of exciting new episodes just with Trump's long list of corrupt con artist appointees and associates and even with the entire Trump family.

It's just truly sad that 75 million Trump cult followers refuse to acknowledge the screamingly obvious truth ( that everyone including them know ) about their revered fearless leader.

The truth that the man is the most corrupt president in our history with the exception of LBJ who I believe personally ordered murders to protect and enhance his business and political wealth and power.




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7 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

Pompeo would, certainly, add some weight to the 2024 GOP ticket.

As for KIrk's question about Republicans condemning Trump for secretly selling COVID vaccine stockpiles to Putin, I seriously doubt it.




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That is funny W!   If Trump did steal vaccine to sell to the Russians, At first I think there would be a hush then this same group of Republicans Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Mc Carthy, Rubio,Lindsey Graham,MC Connell would say Trump's behavior was awful. Then they'd wait a few days until the shock wore down , and then say, "On came on, now, this hardly rises to the level of impeachment, besides he's out of office!" Just like they did with the Capitol riots.

Chris, I assumed as it turned out by Dave's response, correctly that Dave thought Rand Paul was younger than he thought.  I'm not sure I agree with you about 70 being a good age, I think it's getting up there. 60's is ok, but IMO those guys have lost their marbles.  In the U.S.,they often "balance the ticket". an example would be  Biden picking Harris, who is Black. Asian and 22 years younger. 

Pence/Paul would be totally white corn belt. That could probably pull in Texas, but they'd have to do more to get Florida, and they  need both of them.

Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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3 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:

Congratulations to Donald Trump.

He promised to drain the swamp

Looks like he kept his promise.


Steve Thomas

That's the interior of the Old Post Office building in DC.  The building was saved from destruction by merit of its Victorian-era architecture.  Before Trump bought it, it was a very lovely shopping mall - I took my mother there - with a lot of period stonework, marble stairs, etc.  It looks like Trump gutted it and installed (or exposed) that ugly metal trusswork.  Another reason to hate him, because all the original interior work that had been preserved for so long is gone. 

Edited by David Andrews
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7 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:

Congratulations to Donald Trump.

He promised to drain the swamp

Looks like he kept his promise.


Steve Thomas

I've only read one of her books (Dark Money) and a couple of articles but Jane Mayer has a special wit.  Which the Koch bother(s) detest(ed).

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The inevitable result of 64 years.  Never thought about making it this far among covid an other things, like car wrecks.  I retire tomorrow.  Live from Tarrant County Convention Center in 1973 (not!), Fort Worth where I was born and saw them.

Dig the Gilligan girls.



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