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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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January 6, 2021

Dear Mr. Troglodyte,

Involuntary manslaughter is defined as the unintentional death of an individual as a result of another person's negligent actions.

In the United States, all states define negligent homicide by statute, often defining the offense as involuntary manslaughter.[1]



“The law states that you can be charged with criminally negligent homicide if your criminally negligent behavior caused the death of another person. On the other hand, the law states that you can be charged with manslaughter if your reckless behavior caused the death of another person. Therefore, the difference between these two crimes is the type of behavior that caused the victim’s death.

Criminal Negligence vs. Reckless Behavior

Criminal negligence is legally defined as the failure to realize that your behavior is so dangerous that it could kill someone. In order to prove you were criminally negligent, the prosecution must be able to show that a reasonable person in your situation would have realized that their behavior was potentially dangerous.

In the eyes of the law, you are reckless when you act in a manner that puts others at risk even though you are aware that your behavior could seriously harm or kill another person.

To put it simply, the difference between these two legal definitions comes down to risk awareness. A person who is criminally negligent did not realize his behavior was dangerous, even though he should have, whereas a reckless person knew his behavior was dangerous, but ignored the risks.”

Steve Thomas


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On 2/14/2021 at 9:34 AM, Kirk Gallaway said:

Trump's never been able to hold consistently over 40%. Even with a social media presence, without the bully pulpit, he can't provide a diet of himself every day to everyone anymore. What's he going to do? Some of these people are going to have to move on with their lives just out of necessity. The more people live in their own skin, and start living their own reality, rather than looking to a politician. The more Trump fades into the background.

Yes I think Trump will do a fade. What the percentile numbers show at 40% is what I believe to be a skewed number as independents and centrists have leaked out of the party and their overall number is much lower. Sure maybe 40% is still there but I believe its out of a vastly lower number total. They've f'd themselves and really have been doing this for decades by trying to appeal to a base that is made up of Tea Party types (the old Confederacy basically) that can't govern in a majority. 

Unfortunately this makes the Dems govern in more of a coalition type of party which sidelines some pretty important issues (although I don't go for all the left wing stuff either).

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Just now, Bob Ness said:

Yes I think Trump will do a fade. What the percentile numbers show at 40% is what I believe to be a skewed number as independents and centrists have leaked out of the party and their overall number is much lower. Sure maybe 40% is still there but I believe its out of a vastly lower number total. They've f'd themselves and really have been doing this for decades by trying to appeal to a base that is made up of Tea Party types (the old Confederacy basically) that can't govern in a majority. 

Unfortunately this makes the Dems govern in more of a coalition type of party which sidelines some pretty important issues (although I don't go for all the left wing stuff either).

That's interesting Bob,when they talk of 67 % of Republicans that believe that the election was stolen. Is that registered Republicans? If so,registered Republicans are really only 25% of the population. That would mean that the % of Republicans who believe the election was stolen is really only 16-17% of the total population.

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6 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

That's interesting Bob,when they talk of 67 % of Republicans that believe that the election was stolen. Is that registered Republicans? If so,registered Republicans are really only 25% of the population. That would mean that the % of Republicans who believe the election was stolen is really only 16-17% of the total population.

I suppose it depends on who is doing the counting and how they're doing it but yes, that's the thrust of my point. I doubt they'll be able cross the finish line with most of the country save the Confederacy. The Republicans are making it so bad they're going to have cheat to win national seats (which they've done before) because they can't garner enough votes to win a popular election. With Texas shading blue and the possibility of losing Florida during the next cycle they won't be able to get an electoral college win. Zero chance without Florida and less than zero if Texas tanks.

The million dollar question is always "Will the reliably idiotic Democrat party leaders be able to snatch defeat out of the jaws of victory yet once again?" Never underestimate the density of the Dem "brain trust".

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"Former President Donald Trump and attorney Rudy Giuliani are being accused of conspiring with the far-right groups Proud Boys and Oath Keepers to incite the January 6 insurrection in a civil lawsuit filed Tuesday in federal court by the Democratic chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee and backed by the NAACP."

Read the lawsuit here:



Steve Thomas

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In my opinion, this would be a successful route to finding out the truth.

There are two elements I think that need to be explored: the meeting the night before, and Ali Alexander and his cooperations with certain congressmen.  The FBI should be using all kinds of methods to find this guy, including rewards. 

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I read a thread on Twitter yesterday about how none of the leaders have been arrested -- Alexander, Baked Alaska, others. They hinted they are being protected by feds because the feds are all in on the fascist coup-ie stuff.

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1 hour ago, James DiEugenio said:

In my opinion, this would be a successful route to finding out the truth.

There are two elements I think that need to be explored: the meeting the night before, and Ali Alexander and his cooperations with certain congressmen.  The FBI should be using all kinds of methods to find this guy, including rewards. 


For me, the most damning piece of evidence is the Permit.

Item# 62 on page 16 of the lawsuit says that the Permit expressly did not authorize any kind of of march. For me, at that point, when Trump told the crowd that "we are going to walk down Pennsylvania Ave.", he was breaking the law. He can't shroud himself in any kind of 1st Amendment legal protection or anything else.


Steve Thomas

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That is a good one also Steve.



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4 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:

Tim Boyd, former Mayor of Colorado City, TX.

(he has since resigned).


Steve Thomas


Not exactly one of those "compassionate conservatives" eh?

Texas mayor tells residents to fend for themselves during power outage: ‘Only the strong will survive’ (msn.com)

If they stay on schedule my power will go back out in the next 5-10 minutes for about 30-40 minutes.


Edited by Ron Bulman
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1 hour ago, W. Niederhut said:


Thanks W.  I e-mailed this to the Texas Tribune with the caption Tell the Truth, and posted on my facebook page for which I'm sure I'll catch hell from some relatives and friends.


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