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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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13 hours ago, David Andrews said:

and on the other hand the internet is buzzing with rumors that prolonged stay-home and lockdown orders are a long-game plot to kill small businesses and empty the cities of the working poor.

The "rumors" are much worse and much more dire than that, although that is obviously happening. Unfortunately, the majority of the population apparently believes the mainstream corporate narrative despite having been burned by them time and time again.

There's a reason sleepy Joe keeps saying that the worst is yet to come. 

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On 12/25/2020 at 2:14 AM, Joe Bauer said:


Political cartoon.

Can't you little people just be happy with $600? Are there no workhouses?

Rich Mitch McConnell's net worth = $24, 000,000.

Since 1984 ( 36 years ) employed as Senator with the best, most comprehesive benefits and perks and paid over $100,000 a year since 1991.

What more do these free loading peeons want? We're handing them a free $600 check! Heck, that's more than my wife and I spend monthly on our housekeeper!

A $59 Million Will Sheds Light On Shipping Fortune Connected To Elaine Chao And Mitch McConnell

Kentucky Society Of Washington Hosts Bluegrass Ball Ahead Of Trump's Inauguration

Senator Mitch McConnell and Secretary of Transportation Elaine Chao at the Kentucky Society gathering of ...

In the heart of the Great Recession, Mitch McConnell suddenly got richer. According to his 2009 financial disclosure, while other senators’ fortunes were falling, McConnell’s jumped, thanks to a multimillion-dollar gift from his father-in-law, James Chao, to him and his wife, Elaine Chao, who now serves as President Trump’s Secretary of Transportation.

Federal financial disclosures list assets in wide ranges. The totals in McConnell’s disclosure jumped from a range of $3.1 million to $12.7 million in 2007 to $7.3 million to $33.1 million in 2008. The big reason for that increase: a $5 million-to-$25 million gift from the elder Chao in memory of Elaine’s mother, Ruth, who died at age 77 in 2007.

Forbes has since obtained a copy of Ruth Chao’s will and supplementary documents, and is unveiling their contents for the first time.

When Ruth Chao died she was the matriarch of a family of eight. Four decades earlier she and her three oldest daughters traveled by ship from Taiwan to the U.S. to join her husband, James, in New York. By the end of her life, she personally had nearly $59 million of assets to her name, according to an inventory filed with her will. She owned a home 25 miles north of Manhattan in Harrison, New York, worth $1.17 million; checking and money market accounts worth a combined $50,900; a 2006 Lexus sedan worth $23,000; miscellaneous personal property worth $25,000; and a “closely held business interest”—worth $57.5 million.



Her will directed the maximum amount of money that could pass through free of the federal estate tax to be split equally among her six daughters. That was $2 million in 2007. The rest was for her husband, James, who is still living today, at age 91. He decided to give even more.

If James based his giving on how much he inherited from his wife, and similarly spread the gifts evenly among Elaine and her siblings, Elaine would have received about $9 million from her father, rather than the $25 million maximum that was reported on McConnell’s disclosure. Since then, the McConnell-Chao fortune has grown—thanks to their six-figure government salaries and Elaine’s stint in the private sector—to an estimated $20 million today. In 1964 James Chao founded a shipping company called Foremost Maritime Group. Fifty-five years later it is an international giant worth hundreds of millions of dollars. Part of that fortune could theoretically be passed to Chao in the coming years.



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3 minutes ago, Dennis Berube said:

The "rumors" are much worse and much more dire than that, although that is obviously happening. Unfortunately, the majority of the population apparently believes the mainstream corporate narrative despite having been burned by them time and time again.

There's a reason sleepy Joe keeps saying that the worst is yet to come. 

Oh, wait - it gets better.  Rumor started on CDAN, the Hollywood gossip site, saying that Bezos is going to roll out a social credit monitoring service that will allow the big three credit reporting services to score your social value on the websites you visited in the last 60-90 days:

[From CDAN:]

Today's Blind Items - If You Pay The Fee

The really rich guy who cheated on his wife with a woman who was already married to a rich guy and had her brother all film it. Yeah, that rich guy. He is trying to do this on his own as a company rather than partnering with the company that changed its original name to something almost kindergarten like. Anyway, this is how this little program is envisioned by the rich guy and he has it ready to roll out as soon as he talks one of the three big boys into paying him. He would like an exclusive with all three so he wouldn't have any competition, but he figures the guy I wrote about it in an earlier blind item today is not far behind in the technology, but doesn't have an easy way to charge the fee like our rich guy does.

The rich guy already charges an annual fee. That fee would increase by anywhere from $30-200 per year per person depending on what level of "protection" you want. Sometime in 2021 the average person won't be defined by that three digit score. Instead, added to that will be a history of every website you have searched or visited in the past 60-90 days which might show that your picture is better or worse than that three digit score. If you pay the really high fee, then you have nothing to worry about because it shows you are "safe." The less you pay, the less "safe" you are.

If you pay nothing, then good luck to you because you will be under the boot of technology even more. Just wait until you start getting paid with credits rather than actual money. 

[Reader guesses in comments:]

OneHorsePony ooDenaoo 21 hours ago edited

I think ENTY means Alphabet which owns Google.

OneHorsePony 21 hours ago edited

Bezos and the credit reporting bureaus. This is evil and sick.
Just wait until you can't rent an apartment or open a bank account or get a job without a favorable social credit score.
I believe they are up to even more evil than this (as if something could be), but they are clearing out the cities, mainly San Francisco, NYC and Seattle with Covid restrictions and riots in order to empty them out, buy up all the real estate, and make them into "Company towns". You can live and work in the town. Your employer Big Tech controls your mortgage and/or your rent.
The less desirable properties are rented to the "refugee" servant class who also will take over the restaurant and nightclub business for more "atmosphere".
Either wake up or wait and see.

Blondfire Bruce Loggins 19 hours ago

It's called Dragon fly. Already used in China. Any infraction, and a automatic fine withdrawn from bank account. One push of a button and you are wiped out, and unable to buy or sell.



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1 minute ago, Douglas Caddy said:

Donald Trump, Michelle Obama Most Admired in 2020



Trump by 18% of Americans.  Obama down to 15%.  Other high-rankers scored in the single digits.  Which proves that the blessing and curse of America is that you can't ever get Americans to agree on anything.  Yay.

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13 hours ago, Dennis Berube said:

The "rumors" are much worse and much more dire than that, although that is obviously happening. Unfortunately, the majority of the population apparently believes the mainstream corporate narrative despite having been burned by them time and time again.

There's a reason sleepy Joe keeps saying that the worst is yet to come. 

Who would ever have thought that it was doctors and other medical professionals who would plot to destroy America?

Till we get to the bottom of this mind-boggling conspiracy and its complicit corporate media, I think every medical license in the country should be suspended, but of course that's impractical. I would quit going to my doctor at all, but how would I get my prescriptions refilled? And is he trying to kill me with the ones he's given me?






Edited by Ron Ecker
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2 hours ago, Dennis Berube said:

The "rumors" are much worse and much more dire than that, although that is obviously happening. Unfortunately, the majority of the population apparently believes the mainstream corporate narrative despite having been burned by them time and time again.

There's a reason sleepy Joe keeps saying that the worst is yet to come. 

Of course you Dennis, along with Wheeler are by far the most naive, gullible posters here. You actually entertained the idea that the Democrats could rig the election by over 7 million votes, and yet vote themselves out of state legislatures and not even take the Senate!

If the Democrats could do such a thing, than this  definitely is not a Representative Democracy and  there should be a revolution. But why are the Trumpies reaction so tepid? Where are the Trumpie resistance? All they do is bloviate in places on Facebook, like you've done in this  post. Right down to the "Sleepy Joe".

If deep down inside people really believed someone had stolen a US presidential election through a vast conspiracy, there would rioting, actual insurrection and violence. Maybe even civil war.

Most people would call them "cowards". I'm not sure I agree. The reason you don’t see large scale disruptions and civil unrest  is because they don’t actually believe it, they just want Trump to be declared winner!

Besides how they can walk back everything they've said with their Facebook or peer group?


So Dennis, I've heard all knowing comments from both you and Chris about Faucci being part  of the vast biopharma conspiracy that I assume you read somewhere online. Since you are in the vanguard of modern day conspiracy theories, how about enlightening us? Specifically, What conspiracy dirt do you have on Faucci?.

Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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"Coinciding with Election Day on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, DJTrumpLibrary.com was finally updated. The website includes 3D renderings of a proposed version of the 45th President's Presidential Library. Located at 1 MAGA Lane in Nogales, Arizona — abutting the US-Mexican border — the facilities would include a COVID Memorial, with a reflecting pool that looks out towards the Alt-Right Auditorium, which features weekly screenings of Birth of a Nation and other films. There's also a Criminal Records Room and Wall of Criminality, an interactive Tax Evasion 101 exhibit, and of course, a Twitter Gallery. During your visit, you can also indulge in Criminal Luxury at the adjacent Trump Hotel and indulge in the Freedom Fry Fountain at Drump's Diner (full menu available online)."




Steve Thomas

Edited by Steve Thomas
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Attorney Sidney Powell on Tuesday revealed that she believes officials in Georgia may have "rigged" the Senate runoff races in favor of Republicans as part of a plot to undermine her efforts to prove the 2020 election was stolen from President Donald Trump.

During an interview on The Rush Limbaugh Show, Powell was asked if Republicans should bother to vote in the Georgia runoffs.

"My concern is it's not going to matter how the people vote in the Georgia race," the attorney replied. "It obviously didn't matter how they voted nationwide, did it?"


She might (just might, mind you) be a bigger narcissist than Donald Trump.

Steve Thomas

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1 hour ago, Steve Thomas said:


"Coinciding with Election Day on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, DJTrumpLibrary.com was finally updated. The website includes 3D renderings of a proposed version of the 45th President's Presidential Library. Located at 1 MAGA Lane in Nogales, Arizona — abutting the US-Mexican border — the facilities would include a COVID Memorial, with a reflecting pool that looks out towards the Alt-Right Auditorium, which features weekly screenings of Birth of a Nation and other films. There's also a Criminal Records Room and Wall of Criminality, an interactive Tax Evasion 101 exhibit, and of course, a Twitter Gallery. During your visit, you can also indulge in Criminal Luxury at the adjacent Trump Hotel and indulge in the Freedom Fry Fountain at Drump's Diner (full menu available online)."




Steve Thomas


U.S. Diet Guidelines Sidestep Scientific Advice to Cut Sugar and Alcohol




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2 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

Of course you Dennis, along with Wheeler are by far the most naive, gullible posters here.

I give Robert Wheeler points for honesty.  
Unlike the other guy, Wheeler doesn’t pretend to be anything other than a partisan right-winger.

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   Remember Petula Clark singing, Downtown, on the radio back in 1964?   "The lights are much brighter there.  You can forget all your troubles, forget all your cares, and go DOWNTOWN, etc."

Singer Petula Clark responds to song being used by Nashville bomber

Singer Petula Clark responds to song being used by Nashville bomber

Singer Petula Clark responds to song being used by Nashville bomber | TheHill

December 29, 2020

Edited by W. Niederhut
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5 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

   Remember Petula Clark singing, Downtown, on the radio back in 1964?   "The lights are much brighter there.  You can forget all your troubles, forget all your cares, and go DOWNTOWN, etc."

Singer Petula Clark responds to song being used by Nashville bomber

Singer Petula Clark responds to song being used by Nashville bomber

Singer Petula Clark responds to song being used by Nashville bomber | TheHill

December 29, 2020


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8 hours ago, Cliff Varnell said:

I give Robert Wheeler points for honesty.  
Unlike the other guy, Wheeler doesn’t pretend to be anything other than a partisan right-winger.

Cliff, I didn't address honesty here. If your point is that Dennis is in the closet, I may suspect you're right, but I'm not going to speculate.
Re: Wheeler, I've seen it many times here with numerous people. You're left with the same situation you are sometimes with Trump, Is he a l--- or delusional, as result in this case, of a willingness to believe anything?
I think probably both. You're right, Wheeler is honest about being a right winger, but so are others here. But he's not honest about  defending the assertions he makes. ( Like for example, Hunter Biden, molesting his very young niece) Nor does he feel any responsibility to be.
Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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