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6 hours ago, Charles Blackmon said:

I was into all the UFO stuff until I paid good money for a "non-fiction" book dealing with the Gulf Breeze sightings. Gulf Breeze being just a few miles from my then-home in Pensacola FL. By the early nineties the whole story had been debunked. 

Thanks for bringing this up. I bought the same book. My reaction to it and many others like it was that the waters were being deliberately muddied. I often wondered if, as Matt said, it was all secret earthly military technology. Our German friends were deep into vertical take off and landing vehicles, and that goes for Tesla too, whose research was pretty much stolen by JP Morgan’s boys. Yes, the National Security State infiltrated the UFo community big time. But the latest round of unexplained UAP feels different. I’m still betting we are in the verge of something major, and being prepped in slow motion. 

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Mankind generally isn't emotionally mature enough to handle entire Earth destroying technology.

We all know that.

To many alpha Neanderthal brute or money obsessed types get control over entire nations who possess weapons of mass destruction and keeping them from using these and triggering world-wide war is the great challenge facing all of humanity.

How the worst case scenario hasn't happened by now is pretty much a miracle considering mankind's history.

Yet, a super volcano eruption or two, massive sized asteroid strike, weather and ocean level and current changes could be extinction type events as well.

If our own Yellowstone caldera decides to blow...God help us all.

Not to be overly cheery but ...

"if the average person knew half of what's really going on in the world, they'd probably go into their back yards and shoot themselves."


Edited by Joe Bauer
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1 hour ago, Matt Allison said:

Every so often I like to remind folks of some of the fine UAPs/UFOs built right here in the good ole U.S.A.


Call 'em alien and you get a Netflix special. 

Call 'em a story to cover for Military Tech usually 30-50 years ahead of civilian tech and you get a rubber room.

Go figure

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7 hours ago, Matt Allison said:


Every so often I like to remind folks of some of the fine UAPs/UFOs built right here in the good ole U.S.A.











Still, none of the flying machines you see above can go from 5,000 mph, stop on a dime, hover and then accelerate back to 5,000 MPH or more in a split second as many radar readings have shown objects doing.

Or fly circles around a missile fired from Vandenberg Air Base while it's traveling at even higher speeds.

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27 minutes ago, Joe Bauer said:

Still, none of the flying machines you see above can go from 5,000 mph, stop on a dime, hover and then accelerate back to 5,000 MPH or more in a split second as many radar readings have shown objects doing.

You sure about that?


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8 hours ago, Matt Allison said:

You sure about that?


Even recent military sightings suggest such capabilities. Objects suddenly disappearing and then reappearing at great distances. If it’s earthly it’s way beyond any of the flying machines whose pics you posted. 
it’s obvious that there is a disinformation minefield out there regarding UFO and abduction stories, not to mention the tangential ones. But to me it’s also obvious there is unexplained phenomena that no amount of information detritus can obscure. How do you incorporate the many stories of flight maneuvers that defy our understanding of physics into your view that this is all earthly technology? It seems to me one would have to accept some sightings and dismiss others.

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15 hours ago, Matt Allison said:

You sure about that?


Hi Matt.

Of course I can't be sure whether we have developed aircraft that can perform the speed and direction change maneuvers I described.

However, if we have developed aircraft that can do those things, then the quote I often cite and post rings more true than not.

"if the average person knew half what's really going on in the world..."

The flying objects radar readings I mention ( hundreds if not thousands? ) have been recording these fantastic speed, inertia and gravity defying dynamics going back into the 1950's.

Did we develop, possess and demonstrate that technology that far back?

I also have a hard time totally dismissing former astronaut's testimony regarding their seeing aerial and space craft that in their opinion was not of this Earth.

Buzz Aldrin, Edgar Mitchell, Scott Carpenter.

I don't think these three would propose such things for reasons such as money, disinformation and more fame.

They already had enough fame just from what they did in their space travels.

And why would we use such technology to hover over one of our own highest security missile facilities such as Malmstrom in Montana back in 1967 and as on-duty base command Air Force officer Robert Salas related ...

One of these red glowing craft shot beams of light down onto or into silos and by so doing completely took each control system off-line?

And lastly, if you can't trust your own brother, who else can you trust?

Around 1960 my second oldest brother was an Air Policeman ( AP ) in the U.S. Air Force and stationed at one of our airbases in Morocco at that time.

One evening, he and his fellow AP's were on base guard duties when red glowing circular shaped objects just instantly appeared over the base.

They hovered there long enough for the ground guards to call their immediate superior officer and report them

After a long pause, this officer got back with this response :

"We have nothing on radar. Therefore you see nothing. And don't write home about it."

My brother also shared that one of these red objects descended and slowly flew directly over their parked aircraft before shooting up and out of sight in the blink of an eye.

Sorry, my own life experience shared knowledge information leans my belief system toward ET origins versus our own regards many of these incidents.

Edited by Joe Bauer
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UAP sightings in Ukraine are presumed to be war technology

Ukrainian astronomers have reported dozens of UAPs flying over Kyiv. Many presume the sightings are military aircraft or drones, as Russia and Ukraine are at war.

Kyiv’s Main Astronomical Observatory published a research paper in late 2022 in coordination with the country’s National Academy of Science that focuses on a specific type of UAP called “phantoms,” which is an “object [that] is a completely black body that does not emit and absorbs all the radiation falling on it.”

The paper titled “Unidentified aerial phenomena I Observations” shows that the UAP’s they observed in Ukraine are too fast to photograph.

“We see them everywhere. We observe a significant number of objects whose nature is not clear,” the research said. “Flights of single, group and squadrons of the ships were detected, moving at speeds from 3 to 15 degrees per second.”


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2 hours ago, Matt Allison said:


This DARPA experimental craft achieved MACH 20 during a test in 2011.

That's over 15,000 MPH.

This is just the stuff they let us know about; imagine what they're keeping behind the curtain...




15,000 MPH...and it was one of ours?

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