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Chaos: Charles Manson, the CIA and the Secret History of the Sixties

Douglas Caddy

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By the way, Polanski turned it down

because he was actually in the liquidation of the Krakow ghetto, 


Well, that is something I was not aware of.

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Slightly odd coincidence with Tex Watson, Sharon Tate and Dallas, Texas.

Sharon Tate was born in 1943 ... in Dallas, Texas.

Tex Watson was born in 1945  ... in Dallas, Texas.

Edited by Joe Bauer
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On 7/28/2019 at 12:36 PM, Robert Harper said:

without their knowledge; this time, it was dressed up in academic garb, and - like Kinsey's studies - used a warped sampling to bombard an individual's brain, with  his or her reaction to stress, and the ability to withstand


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23 hours ago, Robert Harper said:





So Bryan Crusius raised his son Patrick to be an anti-social loner programmed to slaughter 22 people for the express purpose of arousing condemnation of white supremacy and give impetus to the banning of military-style assault weapons?

This strikes me as more QAnon conspiracy pornography to give legitimate study of deep events a black eye.

Edited by Cliff Varnell
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On 8/4/2019 at 5:56 AM, Joe Bauer said:

Slightly odd coincidence with Tex Watson, Sharon Tate and Dallas, Texas.

Sharon Tate was born in 1943 ... in Dallas, Texas.

Tex Watson was born in 1945  ... in Dallas, Texas.

I read something last night that said they may have mutual friends years before the murders. Let me try to find the link. The article was interesting.

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On 8/7/2019 at 10:21 PM, Joseph McBride said:

Sharon Tate's father was in Army Intelligence.

The "Manson murders" (per CHAOS) had connections

suggestive of the CIA's MK-ULTRA program.

Also, by odd coincidence, Sharon Tate and her unborn child were killed by the Manson gang, who scrawled "Helter Skelter" at one crime scene. Roman Polanski was Sharon Tate's husband.  He filmed "Rosemary's Baby", which came out the year before, at the Dakota, where John Lennon was later killed...

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Good interview with the author of Chaos.

I will be developing these points even further in my review.  


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I've put an order for "Chaos" on hold at my local library, and look forward to reading it when my turn comes around. I'm sorry I wasn't watching this thread earlier. I saw Once Upon A Time... In Hollywood, and I enjoyed reading the film criticism here. The debate over the film, Quentin Tarantino, and depicting history in cinema is interesting.

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My copy of this came in yesterday.  In perusing it before starting I thought 61 pages of end notes should mean it's well documented though I've referred to none of them yet.  I probably shouldn't give this away for any planning to read it but the first line of the prologue made me chuckle.  "Vincent Bugliosi was on another tirade."  Leading to "Bugliosi wanted to sue me".  Not just a tirade.  But, another tirade.

But it's not a funny subject.  I'd read before about multiple stab wounds, shocking numbers of them, the words on the wall and door in blood.  But the details of the crimes are just horrific.  I won't go into detail here for the sake of those who may read it for themselves.  Disturbing how one can convince others to do such, especially someone like Manson.

Up to page 83.  Though it's in reference to an associate of another character in the book I never expected to find the name of General Curtis LeMay in such a book.

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That is where Tom gets into what I consider fantasy land.

I am almost done with my review.  

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On 7/17/2019 at 4:14 PM, David Andrews said:

I'm starting the O'Neill Chaos book.

What do readers know about the house next door to the LaBianca house?  Different accounts say Manson once went to a party there, or "partied" there (subtle difference).  O'Neill says that Manson "once stayed" in the house.  Then O'Neill says that the house was unoccupied on the night of the murders,  "but it was no matter. The neighbors, Manson decided, would suffice as targets, because they, too, no matter who they were, symbolized the establishment he sought to overthrow with Helter Skelter."

This is a big implication, that Manson was originally targeting the people next door.  Who were they?  It's extra puzzling when O'Neill repeats the story (true?) that the LaBiancas experienced burglaries where the furniture was rearranged in the Family's signature "creepy-crawly" style.  Was Charlie working both houses?

If the LaBiancas suffered creepy burglaries, and Leno owned an antique gun collection, why wasn't he sleeping on the couch with a piece nearby on the night after Tate? 

And, in O'Neill's opening summary of the case, there are generalizations like the one above.  Were the residents of the True house (departed by the night of LaBianca) also symbol;s of the establishment suitable for attack?  We don't know, and O'Neill can't know, unless he cites a source.


Still, I beg you all - like some old, tonsured Spanish friar in Zorro Rides Again - have mercy on this book for the places it does not falter.

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