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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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On 1/20/2022 at 5:03 PM, Benjamin Cole said:

The New Donk hero. 



Congress's 1/6 Committee Claims Absolute Power as it Investigates Citizens With No Judicial Limits

News alert. Congress isn't a judicial body. They can't take your liberty away and send you to prison. They aren't restricted in many areas because of that fact. Sorry.

Civics lesson of the day.

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On 1/20/2022 at 6:18 PM, Benjamin Cole said:


I trust the reporting of Glenn Greenwald more than that of M$M outfits, such as CNN.

Tucker Carlson---well, sort of a hit-or-miss. 

Carlson allows ideological or partisan dogma to cloud his views sometimes----IMHO.  

A lesson for us all, in Carlson? 

Carlson is a journalist? Come on Ben he's opinion hack and doesn't hide the fact. My God, man.

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2 minutes ago, Bob Ness said:

News alert. Congress isn't a judicial body. They can't take your liberty away and send you to prison. They aren't restricted in many areas because of that fact. Sorry.

Civics lesson of the day.

Yes, but the Congress can seize all your phone, internet, banking, business or organizational records, and subpoena you to appear before Congress. 

And you are incorrect, the Congress can imprison someone who refuses to honor a subpoena.  

"There are several ways members of Congress can do this:

1) They can tell the House or Senate sergeant-at-arms to detain or imprison the person in contempt until he or she honors congressional demands. This is called "inherent contempt." But it's extremely rare and hasn't happened in modern times."--CNN

Barring the direct imprisonment of a citizen, the Congress can ask the Executive Branch to do the imprisoning.

"Congress can vote on criminal contempt, then make a referral to the executive branch -- headed by the President -- to try to get the person criminally prosecuted. A month or more jail sentence is a possibility if a witness won't comply, under the law. This is the approach members of Congress have indicated publicly they'd want to pursue."---CNN

OK, so if you do not comply with Congress, they can have the executive branch imprison you. I assume after a  court order, although it is not clear. 

In any event, having seized your phone, text, internet, business, organizational and banking records, the Congress can splash those in front of public committee hearings, where they control the timing and content of releases, and provide other context. 

This may all seem fine and dandy now to some....but....

One thing to ponder: Right now, the betting is the Trump-GOP will sweep the 2022 elections, and win back control of House and Senate.

Then the often nutty GOP'ers will issuing the Congressional subpoenas, and possibly conducting an impeachment proceeding of Biden.  

Well, the 'Phant Congress will offer some diversions from the humdrum of plebeian life...as do the Donks.

The DC Gong Show continues....





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Yes Bob, Actually Tucker was Ben's hero!. He took out a thread here to endorse him at one point. He seems to have peered a little more beyond the surface of late


.Ben has completely exhausted his 3 sources, his theories now thoroughly debunked, and  like Trump himself, is desperately looking for bias confirming websites.

And now tracing the timeline. Ben posted a Ray Epps story from a website  source Trump earlier used  a week ago in his recent speech in Arizona. Wow, how original!

And now what is Ben  left to do?  Pull out his picture of Liz Cheney with the Democrats.

Ben: . It's da donks!  Da donks  have been taken over by Liz Cheney and the NSS "DEEP STATE!,

Cant you see? Ben's got photo evidence!


Ben, You don't think we can see you've done this song and dance for last 9 months. Can't you just approach people sincerely, even if you don't agree with them ? You know we've been snipping at Liz Cheney and her Dad since long before you ever came here.  Stop acting like LBJ's guy  who "can't walk and chew gum at the same time". You know the strange bedfellows situation that  going on with that.

In reality, Ben has much more in common with Liz Cheney than any of us. If Ben could have voted in the U.S. 2016 and 2020 elections, His votes would have been identical to Liz Cheney. He would have voted both elections for Trump.



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27 minutes ago, Bob Ness said:

Carlson is a journalist? Come on Ben he's opinion hack and doesn't hide the fact. My God, man.


I find some of Carlson's views interesting. 

Really, does the US needs to be in every corner of the globe, from Vietnam to Ukraine to Afghanistan?  

CNN and MSNBC have become Deep State catamites and cheerleaders....

Hard to say what is worse anymore....

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3 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

Yes Bob, Actually Tucker was Ben's hero!. He took out a thread here to endorse him at one point. He seems to have peered a little more beyond the surface of late


.Ben has completely exhausted his 3 sources, his theories now thoroughly debunked, and  like Trump himself, is desperately looking for bias confirming websites.

And now tracing the timeline. Ben posted a Ray Epps story from a website  source Trump earlier used  a week ago in his recent speech in Arizona. Wow, how original!

And now what is Ben  left to do?  Pull out his picture of Liz Cheney with the Democrats.

Ben: . It's da donks!  Da donks  have been taken over by Liz Cheney and the NSS "DEEP STATE!,

Cant you see? Ben's got photo evidence!


Ben, You don't think we can see you've done this song and dance for last 9 months. Can't you just approach people sincerely, even if you don't agree with them ? You know we've been snipping at Liz Cheney and her Dad since long before you ever came here.  Stop acting like LBJ's guy  who "can't walk and chew gum at the same time". You know the strange bedfellows situation that  going on with that.

In reality, Ben has much more in common with Liz Cheney than any of us. If Ben could have voted in the U.S. 2016 and 2020 elections, His votes would have been identical to Liz Cheney. He would have voted both elections for Trump.




Thanks for your comments. 

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20 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:

Draft Executive Order authorizing the Secretary of Defense to

"seize, collect, retain and analyze all machines, equipment, electronically stored information, and material records required for retention under” a U.S. law that relates to preservation of election records.


December 16, 2020


By the authority vested in me as President of the United States pursuant to the Constitution and laws of the United States of America, including Article 2 section 1 of the U.S. Constitution, Executive Orders 123444, 143545, National Security Presidential Memoranda 13 and 21, the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.) (IEEPA) and all applicable Executive Orders derived therefrom, the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C.16011 et seq.) (NBA), and section 401 of title 4, United States Code:

National Security Presidential Memoranda [NSPMs]
Donald J. Trump Administration

Federation of American Scientists





United States Cyber Operations Policy



Support for National Biodefense (National Biodefense Strategy)



Promoting Women's Global Development and Prosperity



Protecting the United States Advantage in Artificial Intelligence and Related Critical Technologies



The Effect of Uranium Imports on the National Security and Establishment of the United States Nuclear Fuel Working Group



Launch of Spacecraft Containing Space Nuclear Systems



Safeguarding U.S. National Interests in the Arctic and Antarctic Regions



Authority of the Intelligence Community to Collect Certain Intelligence Regarding United States Persons Held Captive Abroad



The National Operations Security Program



United States Government-Supported Research and Development National Security Policy (Fact Sheet) (Recommended Practices)



[designating the National and Nuclear Risk Reduction Center]



There doesn't seem to be a National Security Presidential Memoranda 21, unless it's classified; in which case, this Draft Executive Order was written by someone who has access to classified information.

Steve Thomas


Edited by Steve Thomas
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Fake Electors Certificates:

The Republican electors declared themselves “duly elected and qualified,” and sent signed certificates to Washington claiming to affirm Trump as the winner in five states he had actually lost





One of the main problems with these Certificates is that some of the Electors who had appeared on the ballot on Election Day, November 3, 2020 refused to sign these Certificates. They didn't want anything to do with this effort.

This happened in Michigan.

Someone approached other people and asked them to sign their names as bona fide electors. They were never elected to anything.

They were fake fake electors.

If that's not fraud, I don't know what is.

These guys are in trouuuuuuuble.

Steve Thomas



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1 hour ago, Steve Thomas said:


Someone approached other people and asked them to sign their names as bona fide electors. They were never elected to anything.

They were fake fake electors.

If that's not fraud, I don't know what is.

These guys are in trouuuuuuuble.

Steve Thomas



Steve, they absolutely should be. This is a criminal action. So clear there is no doubt and argument otherwise at all.

But like 99% of everything Trump and his cult followers do that is illegal, nothing ever comes of these crimes in the end.

Massive money tying up charges for years until the courts just seem to give up and things just go away.

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6 minutes ago, Joe Bauer said:

Steve, they absolutely should be. This is a criminal action. So clear there is no doubt and argument otherwise at all.

But like 99% of everything Trump and his cult followers do that is illegal, nothing ever comes of these crimes in the end.

Massive money tying up charges for years until the courts just seem to give up and things just go away.


Maybe, but these fake fake electors are on the hook as individuals.

Look for some of them to strike a plea deal.

Steve Thomas

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34 minutes ago, Steve Thomas said:


Maybe, but these fake fake electors are on the hook as individuals.

Look for some of them to strike a plea deal.

Steve Thomas

Hope so.

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1 hour ago, Joe Bauer said:

Steve, they absolutely should be. This is a criminal action. So clear there is no doubt and argument otherwise at all.

But like 99% of everything Trump and his cult followers do that is illegal, nothing ever comes of these crimes in the end.

Massive money tying up charges for years until the courts just seem to give up and things just go away.

Indeed.  Trump's longstanding experience in breaking laws and evading consequences has exposed the surprising fragility of our U.S. democracy.

I doubt that I'm the only one around here who has been appalled by the feeble, drawn out efforts to hold Trump accountable for his January 6th coup attempt and multi-state electoral fraudulence last year.

Presidential historian Michael Beschloss pointed out one year ago that Trump had done one of the very worst things any President could do-- refusing to cooperate with a peaceful transfer of power.  Yet, one year later, he has still not been charged with any crimes.

What's even more appalling is the widespread denial of Trump's crimes, and the related attacks on people investigating them, including Liz Cheney.

As an example, the Republican Party cowboys in Wyoming recently convened in greater metropolitan Buffalo and voted 31-29 to expel Liz Cheney from the GOP, for participating in the Congressional investigation of Trump's January 6th coup attempt.

Buffalo, Wyoming ~ Population 4585 - Population Signs on Waymarking.com



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