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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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Nothing in this election regards vote count irregularities and violations could EVER come close to the greatest presidential election steal in our history with the 2,000 Florida vote count stop by our own Republican biased Supreme Court.

They literally stopped the Florida vote count ( stomping over the Florida Supreme Court decision to continue the vote count ) when Gore was continually gaining and was just 500+ short of winning Florida and the national election, both electorally and by popular vote.

Even JFK conspiracy debunker Vincent Bugliosi declared that SCOTUS decision and action as one of the greatest crimes against our democracy ever.

Edited by Joe Bauer
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1 minute ago, Joe Bauer said:

Nothing in this election regards vote count irregularities and violations could EVER come close to the greatest presidential election steal in our history with the 2,000 voting count stop by our own Republican biased Supreme Court.

They literally stopped the Florida vote count ( stomping over the Florida Suprme Court decision to continue the vote count ) when Gore was continually gaining and was just 500+ short of winning Florida and the national election, both electorally and by popular vote.

Even JFK conspiracy debunker Vincent Bugliosi declared that SCOTUS decision and action as a great crime.

537 votes.

173,000 Florida voters were purged from the rolls from 1999-2000 by the Jeb Bush/Katherine Harris administration.

Thousands of over votes -- and anomalous Pat Buchanan votes-- on the Palm Beach "butterfly" ballots.

And Al Gore never did get a recount in Miami-Dade, and other counties-- despite the fact that recounts were mandatory under Florida law.

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4 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

537 votes.

173,000 Florida voters were purged from the rolls from 1999-2000 by the Jeb Bush/Katherine Harris administration.

Thousands of over votes -- and anomalous Pat Buchanan votes-- on the Palm Beach "butterfly" ballots.

And Al Gore never did get a recount in Miami-Dade, and other counties-- despite the fact that recounts were mandatory under Florida law.

To make a long story short, who stole the 2000 election for Bush, the Florida Supreme Court or the U.S. Supreme Court, or is it too complicated to figure out (sort of like the plot of "The Big Sleep")?



Edited by Ron Ecker
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2 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

Nothing in this election regards vote count irregularities and violations could EVER come close to the greatest presidential election steal in our history with the 2,000 voting count stop by our own Republican biased Supreme Court.

They literally stopped the Florida vote count ( stomping over the Florida Suprme Court decision to continue the vote count ) when Gore was continually gaining and was just 500+ short of winning Florida and the national election, both electorally and by popular vote.

Even JFK conspiracy debunker Vincent Bugliosi declared that SCOTUS decision and action as a great crime.

Every time someone references the 2000 election it sends me back to that awful day. Over the last couple of weeks CNN and MSNBC have been rolling out former Bush 2 officials to comment on the difference between that abomination and this election. Yesterday CNN rolled out W's former Secretary Of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff, who has, on more than one occasion, declared that questioning the official story about the events of 9/11 is akin to Holocaust Denial. When I listen to Chertoff, and other members of that truly illegitimate administration, I find myself having sympathy for some of the positions that Robert Wheeler has expressed. 


Edited by Robert Burrows
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If that is a genuine screen capture, and that is a big if--as you say, you have to prove the chain of custody--then the manufacturer has to be brought into court to explain it.

Why Rudy G does not display this escapes me.

And Bob, will you explain the woman in Red? I know its not a young picture of Jean Hill.


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3 hours ago, Robert Wheeler said:

One of the first questions that has been asked is, why not just give Biden more votes and leave Trump numbers alone?

Put another way, it should be a lot less noticeable if you give Biden an extra 35,806 votes and keep Trump numbers flat, (or a small positive number, say 50 votes), than if you subtract 17,876 votes from Trump to get Biden to his 35,806 net gain.

That would have caused a big problem given the deficit Biden was working from.

In short, if you don't reduce the Trump count, you run out of Total Voters in a County (ward, state, etc.). The number of Votes cast can not be greater than the number of eligible voters. If the number of eligible voters is 2,000,000, but 100,000 Biden Votes are not real, you will end up with 2,100,000 Total Votes (100,000 more votes than voters) and that is a Big Red Flag.

Those numbers are only one example. There are many more in Pennsylvania alone. Anyone can parse the raw data at the links I provided. The data is in JSON, but if you are marginally skilled at Excel, it is pretty easy to extract the data into a more readable format. (Others have done it to, but if you think the numbers have been manipulated by crazy Trump data diggers, you are more than welcome to do it yourself.)

Is it a Function of the Software?

That is, how do we know that somewhere in the data, the Trump votes are not added back, or, nothing nefarious is going on, its just how the code is presented and we are not experts.

If that was the case, then where are all the Vote count reductions for Biden? If the manipulation of the counts was not nefarious, but just something we don't understand, then their should be as many instances of Biden losing votes as there are Trump. As I said earlier, legitimate errors should be equally distributed between the two candidates (any two candidates.) They don't, all the errors are in Biden's favor. We can therefore hypothesize that the errors are not random.

Screenshot 2020-11-16 130336.jpg

Excellent post - this seems to me pretty obviously what transpired. And I have yet to see a single equivalent example disfavouring Biden as can be found, for example, at this link:


One of the many jokes currently available to connossieurs of this sort of thing resides in the fact that the Democratic elite, unnoticed by its base but not by foreign observers, has embraced Trumpism, albeit minus the man. Sensitive Dems should be aware that the link to follow has Putinoid tendencies and thus clicking on it could result in certain death by Covid-19, Novichuk, and/or intelligent reflection:



 November 16, 2020

Hillary Clinton – the “grey cardinal” and failed US President – published a program text in the authoritative American magazine “Foreign Policy”, which can and should be considered a real strategy of the American “deep state” in restoring American world hegemony.

The throne speech of the future zombie president Biden can no longer be listened to or read: Mrs. Clinton formulated everything in the most clear and unambiguous terms, and – given the place of the “Clinton clan” in the real table of ranks of American politics – the chances of this strategy being implemented are very, very high.

The most paradoxical thing about the text of the failed “Madame President” (as she called herself) is that this program is a holistic, large and thorough recognition that Donald Trump was right. Donald Trump, even if he ends his life behind bars (and this is a very likely scenario), can write down an incredible achievement for himself – he broke the historical course of the US, and even those who are most likely to come to power using the votes of American cemeteries are already forced to build their foreign and even domestic policy, focusing, among other things, on those reference points that the eccentric New York billionaire has hammered into the American political discourse.

Despite the ritual (and rather emotional) criticism of the 45th President of the United States, Mrs. Clinton draws attention to the problems that before Democrats preferred not just to ignore, but to deny:

“Administrations of both parties have long underappreciated the security implications of economic policies that weakened strategically important industries and sent vital supply chains overseas. The foreign policy community understandably focused on how new trade agreements would cement alliances and extend American influence in developing countries. Democrats should have been more willing to hit the brakes on new trade agreements when Republicans obstructed efforts to support workers, create jobs, and invest in hard-hit communities at home,” Clinton writes.

If it weren’t for the jab at the Republicans, who were really quite irresponsible about the consequences of economic globalisation, you would think that this passage was written by one of the speechwriters of Donald Trump, who built his entire political career on accusations against both Democrats and Republicans that they deliberately took American jobs and production facilities to China, which led to a situation in which Beijing can compete with Washington in the battle for the status of a leading world power.

Globalisation in the American way has died, because it was killed by Trump, and now even the leading politician of the Democratic Party inserts Trumpian cliches in her program text and points to China as a threat to US national security — not only military, but also (above all) economic.

It is worth noting that Hillary Clinton’s program pays more attention to the fight against China than the fight against Russia, although in many cases the mention of the main enemies of the US in its text is separated by commas. At least, at the level of goal setting, there can be no question of any “concentration of all forces on Russia”. The whole discussion is based on the need to move away from the cold war cliches and find the right way to strangle China first, and Russia — for company.

However, pointing to certain “Trumpian” changes in the democratic political discourse, it is impossible not to note the iron consistency in terms of maintaining a focus only on confrontation — judging by Mrs. Clinton’s text, the idea of peaceful coexistence with China and Russia, not to mention any substantive cooperation or detente, simply does not occur to her. Even diplomacy is perceived by the former head of the State Department primarily as a tool that provides a more convenient opportunity for forceful pressure. For example, when criticising the Trump administration for failing to work with allies, she cites the following example of proper diplomacy:

“A renewed commitment to diplomacy would strengthen the United States’ military position. U.S. alliances are an asset that neither China nor Russia can match, allowing Washington to project force around the world. When I was secretary of state, for example, we secured an agreement to base 2,500 U.S. marines in northern Australia, near the contested sea-lanes of the South China Sea.”

By and large, the world will see a reformatting of the tribute that the US is trying to shake out from its vassals, and if Trump (as a real businessman) preferred payment in the form of money (which is why Clinton accuses him of turning NATO into a “racketeer” business), the more refined approach of the Democratic establishment is that vassals will pay both in money and, so to speak, in kind – in the form of actions that can help the US gain some military advantages over China or Russia.

However, there is good news: at least at the declarative level, the “grey cardinal” of the Biden administration advocates to avoid “accidental” nuclear war with China or Russia, which against the background of the presence in the Biden administration of a certain number of completely crazy “hawks” cannot but rejoice.

Speaking about the need to create new conventional weapons systems, Clinton emphasises that “these capabilities must be accompanied by mechanisms that allow for consultation with China and Russia to reduce the chances that a long-range conventional attack is mistaken for a nuclear strike, which could lead to disastrous escalation”. Of course, it is good that Washington is likely to make efforts to make such a mechanism work, but the fixation of the American establishment (speaking to us in the voice of an former Secretary of State) on promoting its geopolitical interests with the help of missile and bomb attacks (even non-nuclear ones) cannot cause positive emotions.

A return of the American “deep state” to the levers of a American political, military and diplomatic machine will not be a global apocalypse, but there will definitely not be peace on the planet: the US will try to return some production capacity to its territory, and will actively try to pressure geopolitical opponents via military and diplomatic methods. And if there are serious doubts about the ability of the Biden administration to return the US economy to an industrial production orientation, then there can be no doubt that the American military machine will gladly return to the continuation of bloody escapades around the world.

Ivan Danilov





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"I'm and engineer.  We look at numbers.  We look at hard data.  I can't help it that a failed candidate like Doug Collins is running around lying to everyone.  He's a lier."  From the Georgia Republican Secretary of State.

Maybe there's hope for those two Senate seats yet.


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Stop the Steal's massive disinformation campaign connected to Roger Stone


November 15, 2020
(CNN)It is an internet battle cry: Stop the Steal has swept across inboxes, Facebook pages and Twitter like an out-of-control virus, spreading misinformation and violent rhetoric -- and spilling into real life, like the protest planned for DC this weekend.

But while Stop the Steal may sound like a new 2020 political slogan to many, it did not emerge organically over widespread concerns about voting fraud in President Donald Trump's race against Joe Biden. It has been in the works for years.

Its origin traces to Roger Stone, a veteran Republican operative and self-described "dirty trickster" whose 40-month prison sentence for seven felonies was cut short by Trump's commutation in July.

Despite efforts by Facebook to shut down the misleading content, it was too late. The cluster of groups and pages -- which altogether had amassed 2.5 million followers, according to an analysis by activist group Avaaz -- had seeded a jungle of misinformation that is being shared -- and believed -- by millions of Americans.

"....it was too late." As Mark Twain correctly pointed out, a lie can travel around the world before the truth has time to put its' pants on.
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3 hours ago, Paul Rigby said:

Excellent post - this seems to me pretty obviously what transpired. And I have yet to see a single equivalent example disfavouring Biden as can be found, for example, at this link:



Liverpool is in the house!

Welcome back, Paul.  The arguments of the anti-anti-Trumpers on this Forum are weak and kinda whiny — they desperately need your help.

Over the years you and I have been allies on the journalism of Richard Starnes and opponents on the subject of Trump.  I’ve never felt that our sharp exchanges of opposing views are taken personally.

There’s a lot to unwrap in your post, let’s start with the article above:


With members of both the local Democratic and Republican parties observing hand counting of presidential votes in Floyd County it appears that close to 3,000 ballots were not counted on election night. </q>

Are we to believe Republican observers participated in a plot to rob Trump of hundreds of votes in a state he had no chance of winning?


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There are 65 days left and I would warn everyone that if they think Trump is walking away peacefully consider carefully that Neville Chamberlain thought he had achieved a peace with Germany.  They were in the Sudetenland in less than 2 weeks.  Just like he has all his life, Trump is just delaying until he comes up with his next con.  This situation is not going to end well for any of us.  Trump will not quit as long as he has the seemingly mindless zombies following him.  They are and will be whipped up into a frenzy to defend their messiah and he will watch them either be destroyed or destroy this nation.  Regardless of the outcome he will blame it on anyone but himself and still try to walk off into the sunset as the victor.

I too, being a Georgian, hold out hope for the Senate seats, but it is dim.  I interact with the populace enough to know that they are seriously deluded.  I honestly cannot understand my neighbors any longer.  When you put one Democrat against one Republican in an election the result is almost a slam dunk.  With ALL eyes and money on the Senate seats, the Republicans will in most counties absolutely devour the Democrat by a 60-40 margin or higher.  Both Republicans are airing their same old tired, "too liberal", "communist", "socialist" ads against their Democratic opponents.  Neither have aired a single ad on a positive note about what they have or will accomplish if elected.  They are depending on the extra help from outside of Georgia in surpressing the number of voters in Democratic strongholds (the few there are), and their outright control of many of the 159 counties.   The only hope will be for a vigorous monitoring by the Jimmy Carter election group and a large turnout in all the metropolitan areas.

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1 hour ago, Ron Bulman said:

"I'm and engineer.  We look at numbers.  We look at hard data.  I can't help it that a failed candidate like Doug Collins is running around lying to everyone.  He's a lier."  From the Georgia Republican Secretary of State.

Maybe there's hope for those two Senate seats yet.


I didn't do it.  Not me.


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5 hours ago, Paul Rigby said:

One of the many jokes currently available to connossieurs of this sort of thing resides in the fact that the Democratic elite, unnoticed by its base but not by foreign observers, has embraced Trumpism, albeit minus the man. 


Can foreign observers objectively critique the man who’s genius was to turn the 24 hour cable news cycle into Reality TV?

How much CNN/Fox/MSNBC did these foreign observers observe over the last 5.5 years?

Without a solid understanding of how Trump plays the 24 hour cable news cycle you’re like a journalist covering a foreign war from your basement.




Edited by Cliff Varnell
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