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25 minutes ago, Dennis Berube said:

Also, national election fraud indicates a major systemic backing from all of the corporate powers you claim to despise that have been censoring people left and right if they speak out of line.


News alert. There was no national election fraud. Sorry.

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20 minutes ago, Dennis Berube said:

Thanks for the suggestion Kirk, I have a degree in Political Science from a university (I'm not boasting about it, merely correcting your false assumption). His de joy appointment was terrible, as is just about every Biden appointment revealed thus far. Biden has already made it clear he is the corporate cheerleader, not a president. Was trump a great friend of the CFR like Hillary? "I'm glad you moved across the street so I don't have to walk as far for you guys to tell me what to do." (Paraphrased) Does it get worse than that? I view Biden as a continuation of the Clinton version of the Democrat party, right wing corporatists, especially dangerous due to its docile supporters. As Robert said, some of us are looking past the election because there is seemingly an intent to enact the great reset, bringing a reduction of rights, increased surveillance, censorship and destruction of the remainder of the new deal ideology through neo-liberal economics. 


I did not say that or "subscribe" to it at any point. I disagree with most of what trump has done and believes in, but not to the point where I am emotionally blinded and unable to be objective in my political analysis, it's kind of polisci101. If the election was indeed stolen, I much prefer the legal candidate to the non-legal. I believe that is more important to the long term viability of our country as trump will be a non political factor within 4 years no matter what happens. Also, national election fraud indicates a major systemic backing from all of the corporate powers you claim to despise that have been censoring people left and right if they speak out of line. And none of those companies supported trump, major understatement there.

A quick summary of vote issues...



I think that's the big issue here with Dems, most are able to look at the JFK plot and see corruption, skullduggery and criminality or at the very least a heavy bias, yet in this century they are completely blind to those things unless it's from the Republicans. 

I got half way through this but, it was very educational, I don't expect many Biden voters can begin to comprehend what is being alleged or how indeed an election can be fixed or manipulated, whether in an a fragile developing country or the USA. I am surprised the Independent posted it.


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One thing I’m sure of - the cheating is on the Trump side, but they just couldn’t cheat enough to win. That’s how unpopular Trump is. The majority spoke, even with millions of disenfranchised voters. The republicans did better down ballot because of additional cheating called Gerrymandering. 
For people like Jeff, and probably others, I don’t have my head in the sand about a Corporate Democrats like Biden and Clinton. But Biden didn’t win by cheating, rather Trump lost by being such a disaster of a president. 

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The Wisconsin recount effort has no real bearing on the statistical voting analysis published by the vote-pattern-analysis people. However, the partial voting chart shared by Chris represents the kind of detailed voting breakdown information they stated they didn’t have, so an update to their paper should be expected.

The chart Chris shared is from the Wisconsin election update published at 3:42 AM Central Time (Nov 4), which is specifically analyzed by the Vote Pattern Analysis people. The first three items of that (partial) chart - Milwaukee wards 199, 200, & 201 - represent the high disparity pro-Biden districts which Cliff describes, with approximately nine Biden votes counted to every one vote submitted for Trump. Wards 202 through 216 maintain a decisive Biden favour, but at a much reduced rate averaging about 2.3 Biden votes to every Trump vote. The disparity of the update in total (presumably 216 wards) represents about 6.7 Biden votes for every one Trump vote. The analysis found the disparity (6.7 to 1) high in relation to other updates, but also very high in relation to total number of votes appearing a a single update (over 150,000). The analysts wonder if all the votes from high-disparity pro-Biden districts somehow appear in just one update. They also found that four separate district updates from three different states within a five hour period early on Nov 4 had similar appearances - relatively high disparity favouring Biden and relatively large updates in terms of total votes.

Statistical analysis by election monitors would flag something like the above in just about any election in any jurisdiction, as that is what the election monitors are supposed to do. It does not mean that anything untoward occurred - as the example from Bolivia demonstrates - but it does mean that blanket statements declaring there were no anomalies anywhere in  US election 2020 are not supported by the numbers.

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54 minutes ago, Bob Ness said:

News alert. There was no national election fraud. Sorry.

For 150+ years white supremacists have worked to keep blacks from voting.  Jim Crow, Voter IDs, voter roll purge programs.  This year a white supremacist President tried to sabotage the postal service to prevent the delivery of mail-in ballots.

Unable to enact the voter suppression measures so successful in the past, the White Supremacy movement now is trying to disqualify legally cast paper ballots from black precincts.  These votes have been recounted in Milwaukee and Atlanta with no significant discrepancies.

Facing crushing losses in the courts, the White Supremacy movement will continue to gin up doubt about the validity of black votes.  There appears to be a number of non-racist useful idiots who have no problem pushing propaganda against the free and fair 2020 election.

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2 minutes ago, Jeff Carter said:

Statistical analysis by election monitors would flag something like the above in just about any election in any jurisdiction, as that is what the election monitors are supposed to do. It does not mean that anything untoward occurred - as the example from Bolivia demonstrates - but it does mean that blanket statements declaring there were no anomalies anywhere in  US election 2020 are not supported by the numbers.

The burden of proof of fraud is on those questioning the certified results.

Otherwise, the campaign to impugn black votes is Jim Crow of another feather.

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10 hours ago, Douglas Caddy said:

60 Minutes: 

Chris Krebs, a lifelong Republican, was put in charge of the agency handling election security by President Trump two years ago. When Krebs said the election was the country's most secure ever, Mr. Trump fired him. Now, Krebs speaks to Scott Pelley.


Chris Krebs explains why President Trump's claims of election interference are false - CBS News

Trump lawyer says Chris Krebs should be put to death.




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Biden Crime Family heads for Solid Gold: all Trump-contested states now certified.


I don't have any illusions about who we elected.  But the alternative was four more years of an admin about as smart and responsible as the WWE.

Edited by David Andrews
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2 hours ago, Bob Ness said:

News alert. There was no national election fraud. Sorry.

I assume Stenstrom (and others) are just lying Bob? I hope they charge this guy with fraud then.
The chain of custody was repeatedly broken making a straight recount useless. 


 Also, Kamala Harris' photographer is a Dominion technician who was actively involved in vote tallying? 


Edited by Dennis Berube
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2 minutes ago, Dennis Berube said:

I assume Stenstrom (and others) are just lying Bob?

Why wasn't this presented to the Pennsylvania courts?

2 minutes ago, Dennis Berube said:


I hope they charge this guy with fraud then.

If he'd appeared before a court he'd face exposure on perjury charges.

It's not a crime to go to a political meeting and lie.

2 minutes ago, Dennis Berube said:

The chain of custody was repeatedly broken making a straight recount useless. 

Only to the gullible.

2 minutes ago, Dennis Berube said:


 Also, Kamala Harris' photographer is a Dominion technician who was actively involved in vote tallying? 


Georgia has a Republican dominated Legislature, a Republican Secretary of State overseeing the election, and a Republican governor.  There have been two recounts of the votes with no significant discrepancies.

But hey, it's a Trump talking point so Dennis will back it to the hilt.

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5 minutes ago, Cliff Varnell said:

If he'd appeared before a court he'd face exposure on perjury charges.

Yes cliff he filed an affidavit with this info, so he should be charged with perjury. Let's see.


6 minutes ago, Cliff Varnell said:

Only to the gullible

And the expert witness testifying under penalty of perjury charges. As an expert in fraud, I'm not sure gullible would be applicable to him.

20 minutes ago, Cliff Varnell said:

There have been two recounts of the votes with no significant discrepancies.

If you watched the testimony, you wouldn't have written this. 

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1 minute ago, Dennis Berube said:

Yes cliff he filed an affidavit with this info, so he should be charged with perjury. Let's see.

The Pennsylvania Appeals Court flat-out declared there was no evidence of these claims.

1 minute ago, Dennis Berube said:


And the expert witness testifying under penalty of perjury charges.

He wasn't testifying at all.  That wasn't a meeting of the Pennsylvania Legislature, it was a political event attended by GOP legislators.

1 minute ago, Dennis Berube said:


As an expert in fraud, I'm not sure gullible would be applicable to him.

If you watched the testimony, you wouldn't have written this. 

What testimony on the Georgia vote?  Fulton County is in Georgia, Dennis.

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1 hour ago, Dennis Berube said:

I assume Stenstrom (and others) are just lying Bob? I hope they charge this guy with fraud then.
The chain of custody was repeatedly broken making a straight recount useless. 


 Also, Kamala Harris' photographer is a Dominion technician who was actively involved in vote tallying? 


Yes. He is lying. So is Rudy. So is Trump, Ellis and Powell. End of story. Check it 150 times Dennis. This is ridiculous. These things are witnessed and gone over a multitude of times by many officials and the vote was certified.

This was a publicity stunt meant to impress the weak minded. The experts I listen to are THE PEOPLE WHO ACTUALLY COUNTED, AUDITED AND RECOUNTED THE VOTE. How's that for experts?

Edited by Bob Ness
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I remember in 2000, with Bush vs.Gore. It was the first opportunity for the average citizen to see how flawed the system can be. I was surprised that there were mutual agreements in states to throw out what amounts to 1000's of votes. The entire election came down to one state Florida, which the accepted  final count was a  difference of 537 votes. 

This is involving Pennsylvania  where the official count shows Biden ahead by 160 times that amount! In fact everyone of Trumps contested states involve a Biden lead of at least 20 times that amount! If you believe Biden stole  over 6 million votes to win the election, and yet let the Republicans 1) hold on to their state legislatures2) probably hold on to the Senate and 3) actually make gains in the house then yes Dennis, you are incredibly naive and gullible.

You have a few choices in front of you If you believe such a sham could happen you might as well riot in the streets, but  if you have a family or people to protect, be prepared to accept the consequences. If you're concerned about a more accurate election in the future, because you're chance is finished now, then be part of a movement to fund our elections so that every legal voter everyone has a fair chance to vote  and there's some standardization  that allows the tracing of all ballots, etc..

As I told a Brit here who claimed to be a "connoisseur" of the American election process, if enough people wanted more money appropriated for a better election process, I'm sure you could get the Democrats to vote for more money, but you won't get the Republicans because it's simply not in their interest.

Having  felt the sting of elections I didn't think we're completely fair and sucking it up. I find it revolting that we have to walk on eggshells because as some Republicans have said "the President is going to need some time to deal with losing". And I also find it revolting that somehow the nation owes it to coddle Trump culties over their grief.  What I would say to them, I don't care about your feelings, or your pet conspiracies,  or your titanic expectations gone awry. That's life!

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