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5 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:



These people have said that the President should invoke the Insurrection Act and declare martial law.

They want to set up Military Tribunals. They've called for Christopher Krebs to be shot and Anthony Fauci to be beheaded. Election officials and the free press are enemies of the people.

What's next? Concentration camps and the "Final Solution"?

Steve Thomas


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What stress, anxiety, anger, division, doubt and mistrust feeding crap will Trump and his rigged election claiming conspiracy goons throw out to the entire nation today?

It is tragic but true this is an expected daily occurance with this conflict loving Commander In Chief president.  The most conflict, division, mistrust, anger, stress and anxiety creating and feeding one in our history... by far!

And all on top of the most entire society stressing, scaring and exhausting event in American history since WW II - the Covid Virus.

It's gut wrenching sickening. It truly is.

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2 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:


These people have said that the President should invoke the Insurrection Act and declare martial law.

They want to set up Military Tribunals. They've called for Christopher Krebs to be shot and Anthony Fauci to be beheaded. Election officials and the free press are enemies of the people.

What's next? Concentration camps and the "Final Solution"?

Steve Thomas


It's like a Reichstag fire, without the fire.  🤥

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Meanwhile, circus sideshow  provides cover for what Biden is doing.  IMO, if his appointments mean anything, Biden's presidency is going to be pretty much Obama Part 2.  The only way its not, is if he goes around these people, like JFK did, but I have not seen that tendency in Biden.  Much of what he is doing seems to me to be sticking it to Bernie.  Matt T agrees.  And he notes that Clintonism was just a disaster for the Democrats.

I cannot link to it but its at sub stack. Here is the opening:

"The Democratic Party is not known for its sense of humor, but news that Joe Biden will appoint longtime Center for American Progress chief Neera Tanden to his government qualifies as a rare, well-earned laugh line.

Tanden is famous for two things: having a puddle of DNC talking points in place of a cerebrum, and despising Bernie Sanders. She was #Resistance’s most visible anti-Sanders foil, spending awe-inspiring amounts of time on Twitter bludgeoning Sanders and his supporters as a deviant mob of Russian tools and covert “horseshoe theory” Trump-lovers. She has, to put it gently, an ardent social media following. Every prominent media figure with even a vague connection to Sanders learned in recent years to expect mud-drenched pushback from waves of “Neera trolls” after any public comment crossing DNC narratives. No name in blue politics is more associated with seething opposition to Sanders than Tanden.

Biden is making this person Director of the Office of Management and Budget. Sanders is the ranking member (and, perhaps, future chair) of the Senate Budget Committee. Every time Bernie even thinks about doing Committee business, he’ll be looking up at Neera Tanden. For a party whose normal idea of humor is ten thousand consecutive jokes about Trump being gay with Putin, that’s quite a creative “xxxx you.”


Edited by James DiEugenio
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1 hour ago, James DiEugenio said:

Meanwhile, circus sideshow  provides cover for what Biden is doing.  IMO, if his appointments mean anything, Biden's presidency is going to be pretty much Obama Part 2.  The only way its not, is if he goes around these people, like JFK did, but I have not seen that tendency in Biden.  Much of what he is doing seems to me to be sticking it to Bernie.  Matt T agrees.  And he notes that Clintonism was just a disaster for the Democrats.

I cannot link to it but its at sub stack. Here is the opening:

"The Democratic Party is not known for its sense of humor, but news that Joe Biden will appoint longtime Center for American Progress chief Neera Tanden to his government qualifies as a rare, well-earned laugh line.

Tanden is famous for two things: having a puddle of DNC talking points in place of a cerebrum, and despising Bernie Sanders. She was #Resistance’s most visible anti-Sanders foil, spending awe-inspiring amounts of time on Twitter bludgeoning Sanders and his supporters as a deviant mob of Russian tools and covert “horseshoe theory” Trump-lovers. She has, to put it gently, an ardent social media following. Every prominent media figure with even a vague connection to Sanders learned in recent years to expect mud-drenched pushback from waves of “Neera trolls” after any public comment crossing DNC narratives. No name in blue politics is more associated with seething opposition to Sanders than Tanden.

Biden is making this person Director of the Office of Management and Budget. Sanders is the ranking member (and, perhaps, future chair) of the Senate Budget Committee. Every time Bernie even thinks about doing Committee business, he’ll be looking up at Neera Tanden. For a party whose normal idea of humor is ten thousand consecutive jokes about Trump being gay with Putin, that’s quite a creative “xxxx you.”



I fairly accurately guessed what Bloomberg was up to entering the Democratic party primary race for less than three months and spending close to a billion dollars in so doing.

To dillute voter support for Sanders and Warren. His most feared financial interests and political threats, even more than Trump imo.

He successfully did so and got his man in.  Even though it was via a plurality vote only.

Biden was not a big first choice for most Democrats until Sanders and Warren were thoroughly marginalized and all we had left was him.

Biden is a corporate guy and not "the little guy" defending person much more than people know. Always has been. 

The progressive wing of the Democratic party got screwed.



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Joseph McBride posted this on Facebook today:


Washington Post
Trump allies Sidney Powell and Lin Wood urge Georgians to boycott Senate runoffs
By Amy Gardner and David Weigel
Sidney Powell, a former lawyer for the Trump campaign, led a rally in a northern Atlanta suburb in which she exhorted hundreds of the president’s supporters not to participate in the Senate runoffs in part because she said the state’s voting machines are not trustworthy.
“I would encourage all Georgians to make it known that you will not vote at all unless your vote is secure,” Powell said. “There should not be a runoff. Certainly not on Dominion machines.”
Powell claimed falsely that the machines, manufactured by Dominion Voting Systems, were rigged to weight Biden’s votes more heavily than Trump’s, that a hand recount was a sham, and that state and local election officials have been destroying ballots and other evidence of fraud. She has presented no proof of her claims.
Lin Wood, another Trump ally who helped lead Wednesday’s event, made similar claims, stating, “We’re not going to vote on your damn machines made in China. We’re going to vote on machines made in the USA!”
Wood took aim at just about every state Republican leader in Georgia, including Loeffler, Perdue, Gov. Brian Kemp, Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger and the state party chair, David Shafer, even though some of them have stood by Trump and echoed his false claims of fraud.
“If they don’t fight for Donald Trump, including Loeffler and Perdue, send them all home!” Wood exclaimed to the crowd. “You are criminals!”
Powell insisted that the results in Georgia and other states had been altered, affecting races up and down the ballot, though the hand audit of all ballots completed last month showed that to be impossible. She suggested an election conducted entirely with paper ballots "that are signed and have a thumb print on them,” which would violate Georgia’s constitutional requirement of a secret ballot.
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On 12/1/2020 at 12:06 PM, Jeff Carter said:

This is emblematic of the total collapse of critical thinking acuity in American liberal circles, a measurable trend since the beginning of 2017.

This thread should probably be sub-titled to the above.


The most disturbing aspect of this to me is how the liberal circles completely miss any kind of objective political media analysis. Somehow the corporate and social media is able to gain traction with these people despite their horrendous histories of propaganda and recent censorship of any information that does not fit the selected covid and election narratives that they approve of. It seems that this is largely due to Trump's general nature and the emotional reactions many people have to just hearing the man talk. Russiagate should have tipped them off that something else was at play here(namely a political operation designed to undermine Trump's legitimacy, which he still hasn't regained in the media's version of events), but lets not get back into that again.

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5 minutes ago, Dennis Berube said:

This thread should probably be sub-titled to the above.


The most disturbing aspect of this to me is how the liberal circles completely miss any kind of objective political media analysis. Somehow the corporate and social media is able to gain traction with these people despite their horrendous histories of propaganda and recent censorship of any information that does not fit the selected covid and election narratives that they approve of.

The most disturbing aspect to me is how people who claim to a higher objectivity routinely fall victim to confirmation bias due to a formulaic denial of anything reported in the MSM.


5 minutes ago, Dennis Berube said:


It seems that this is largely due to Trump's general nature and the emotional reactions many people have to just hearing the man talk. 

Confirmation bias prevents many from seeing the fascistic drive of Trump's policies. 

5 minutes ago, Dennis Berube said:



Russiagate should have tipped them off that something else was at play here(namely a political operation designed to undermine Trump's legitimacy, which he still hasn't regained in the media's version of events), but lets not get back into that again.

No, let's get back into that again.  The Russia-hacked-the-DNC story made only two news cycles over the last five months of the 2016 campaign.  That story didn't make the Oct. 7 '16 news cycle when the Obama Administration formally accused the Russian gov't of interfering in our election.  The Steele Dossier was in the hands of the intel community and that story made zero news cycles before the election.

An informed observer of the American political scene can instantly realize Russia-hacked-the-DNC story was suppressed until after the election.

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Lee Shepherd posted the following on Facebook today:


OSS designer Major Gen. William Donovan built up a team of 16,000 agents working behind enemy lines during WWII. One of his agents, Ray Steiner Cline, was appointed Chief of Current Intelligence in 1944. After the war he was sent to China where he worked with John K. Singlaub, Richard Helms, E. Howard Hunt, Mitchell WerBell, Paul Helliwell, Robert Emmett Johnson, Lucien Conein, Tracy Barnes and William D. Pawley. Cline became Chief of Station (COS) in Taiwan in 1957 where he worked alongside Jake Esterline and Paul Helliwell to distribute illegal war booty from the Black Eagle Trust Fund to international banks around the globe. Helliwell was a CIA associate of Bill Casey and helped set up Sea Supply, an Agency front which ran opium and heroin out of the Asian Golden Triangle. One of these drug lines ran through Cuba under the dictator Fulgencio Batista who had an agreement with crime lord Santos Trafficanti. Helliwell was also John Singlaub’s direct superior. According to Cline, the gold bullion recovered was put “in 176 bank accounts in 42 countries.” Cline used the war loot to manipulate foreign governments. In 1962, he was appointed Deputy Director for Intelligence at the CIA. It was right-winger Gen. Charles Willoughby (also involved in Black Eagle) and Ray Cline who established the World Anti-Communist League (WACL) and its U.S. chapter, the American Council for World Freedom. An important branch of WACL, the Anti-Communist League of the Caribbean was, “a pet project of Nicaragua’s dictator General Somoza.” The WACL was closely associated with the hard-right John Birch Society and a number of Texas millionaire moguls. Cline wrote in his book Secrets, Spies and Scholars, that following the Bay of Pigs “After a decent interval, to all appearances without vindictive feelings toward either Dulles or Bissell, Kennedy set out to restructure the high command at CIA.”
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1 hour ago, Cliff Varnell said:

An informed observer of the American political scene can instantly realize Russia-hacked-the-DNC story was suppressed until after the election.


An informed observer of the American political scene can also instantly realize that:

  • Something is wrong when a newly elected president states that the MSM is Fake News and that the public should get their news from him or his sources.
  • Something is wrong when a president fires his attorney general because he won't protect him, and replaces him with someone who will.
  • Something is wrong when a president repeatedly downplays the seriousness of coronavirus, tells people not to wear masks even though doing so is an easy and effective alternative to shutting down the economy, and replaces the preeminent infectious diseases expert in the White House with a neuroradiologist who also downplays the virus. After which he hosts numerous super-spreader rallies where none of his followers are wearing masks or social distancing.
  • Something is wrong when a president tells his followers not to use mail-in ballots -- which he knows will be counted last -- and then does everything possible to stop vote-counting early.


These are just a few things I can think of at the moment. Trump has been a disaster as president... thank god he will soon be gone.


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Lee Shepherd wrote on Facebook today:

Eisenhower was never shot at and never shot anyone. The greatest hero in the greatest war ever fought never saw combat. When the war ended, Sid Richardson flew to Paris to offer the victorious commander millions of Texas dollars to put him in the White House. Once that was achieved, the billionaire quietly funneled more cash into Eisenhower’s beloved farm in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, and another house overlooking the Augusta golf course in Georgia where Ike often “talked politics and, occasionally, about affairs of state with his millionaire friends, who joined him for marathon bridge games.” From Ike’s porch in Pennsylvania spread out below Seminary Ridge, he could see the famous Civil War battlefield, where George Edward Pickett lead his men on a wholesale slaughter into oblivion. The getting and keeping of gifts was a potentially awkward subject for any president and Eisenhower was no exception. The Des Moines Iowa Register carefully listed the numerous gifts presented to the Eisenhower estate, including a John Deere tractor with a stereo radio in it, a completely equipped electric kitchen, landscaping improvements, thoroughbreds and Black Angus steers—worth, all together, more than half a million dollars. Political columnist Drew Pearson, wrote up the details in his column, “Colonel Gordon Moore, Ike’s brother-in-law, has a prize stallion and racing horses on his farm in Virginia...the stallion is a gift of the Clint Murchison family, one of the biggest oil operators in Texas. The gifts to the Eisenhower family are unbounded.” The General and Mamie Eisenhower bought their 189-acre farm in 1950 for $24,000, but by 1960 it had grown to 576-acres and was worth well over a million dollars. Most of the difference represented the gifts of Texas oil executives who acquired surrounding land for Eisenhower under dummy names, filled it with livestock and big, modern barns, paid for extensive renovations to the main house, and even paid the hired help. In return Ike sailed the Presidential Yacht up the Rio Grande to spend time hunting with them.

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Georgia Republican reportedly flipped shares of anti-malware company dozens of times while serving on Senate’s cybersecurity subcommittee




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