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JFK Revisited: Through The Looking Glass

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Paul Bleau, an interview subject for the film, just contacted me and said a leading French newspaper in Quebec will be doing an article about him next month.

The online Zine Jacobin interviewed me on Monday and is also talking to producer Rob Wilson about the making of the film.

I am doing an interview today about the new files for Epoch Times. 

Oliver is doing a reply to Max Boot.

Aaron Good says the response to his series about JFK Revisited on Patreon is so encouraging he is going to extend it to six parts.  He will have  Lisa Pease and Greg Poulgrain on for the Indonesia coup, which is in the four hour version of JFK Revisited.

We have not yet begun to fight.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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Effing Max Boot. This guy has been on the Pentagon payroll, and for 20 years advised staying the course in Afghanistan. 

"More (JFK) documents remain to be released, but what has come out so far has done nothing to shake the conclusion reached by all credible investigators that Oswald was the lone gunman."---Max Boot

Yes, except the ultra-cautious HSCA in 1979 concluded the JFKA had likely been a conspiracy--and that was before even more evidence emerged thanks to Stone's film.  

Boot is also author of the stupendously awful  “The Road Not Taken: Edward Lansdale and the American Tragedy in Vietnam.”

Yes, we would-a, could-a, should-a won in Vietnam. Max Boot knows. He knows about crawling around in jungles and Operation Phoenix success stories---from his armchair in the Council of Foreign Relations. 

Then also, 


"In Afghanistan, the world is crumbling"

By Max Boot, Washington Post

 Aug 11, 2021 Updated Aug 12, 2021

Gee, the Afghan nation of 40 million did not fire one shot against the 70,000-man Taliban army. After 20 years if US tutelage and listening to Max Boot.  We just needed better counter-insurgency! 

If ever there was a reverse weather vane to watch, it is Max Boot. The globalist vision, financed by US taxpayers, for the benefit of multinationalist elites. 

Stay in Afghanistan! Vietnam! Run South America! Change Cuba! Africa needs intervention! More fleets for the Indo-Pacific! 

If the Dulles brothers have a successor....it is Max Boot. 

And did Boot ever spend even a few weeks looking into JFKA evidence for himself? 

But the WaPo will give him a platform.

I would welcome some trenchant questioning of JFK: Revisited. I think it would easily stand up to scrutiny, and if an issue or two emerged, so be it. 

But what we get is below-the-belt hit pieces---in the WaPo




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46 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:


Effing Max Boot. This guy has been on the Pentagon payroll, and for 20 years advised staying the course in Afghanistan. 

"More (JFK) documents remain to be released, but what has come out so far has done nothing to shake the conclusion reached by all credible investigators that Oswald was the lone gunman."---Max Boot

Yes, except the ultra-cautious HSCA in 1979 concluded the JFKA had likely been a conspiracy--and that was before even more evidence emerged thanks to Stone's film.  

Boot is also author of the stupendously awful  “The Road Not Taken: Edward Lansdale and the American Tragedy in Vietnam.”

Yes, we would-a, could-a, should-a won in Vietnam. Max Boot knows. He knows about crawling around in jungles and Operation Phoenix success stories---from his armchair in the Council of Foreign Relations. 

Then also, 


"In Afghanistan, the world is crumbling"

By Max Boot, Washington Post

 Aug 11, 2021 Updated Aug 12, 2021

Gee, the Afghan nation of 40 million did not fire one shot against the 70,000-man Taliban army. After 20 years if US tutelage and listening to Max Boot.  We just needed better counter-insurgency! 

If ever there was a reverse weather vane to watch, it is Max Boot. The globalist vision, financed by US taxpayers, for the benefit of multinationalist elites. 

Stay in Afghanistan! Vietnam! Run South America! Change Cuba! Africa needs intervention! More fleets for the Indo-Pacific! 

If the Dulles brothers have a successor....it is Max Boot. 

And did Boot ever spend even a few weeks looking into JFKA evidence for himself? 

But the WaPo will give him a platform.

I would welcome some trenchant questioning of JFK: Revisited. I think it would easily stand up to scrutiny, and if an issue or two emerged, so be it. 

But what we get is below-the-belt hit pieces---in the WaPo




Yeah Boot was also a member of the Project for a New American Century (PNAC) and big cheerleader of the Iraq war along with Rummy, Wolfe and the other neo-imperialists (that JFK would’ve reviled, incidentally).

From Boot and the Hornady piece, it appears the CIA’s line via its mouth organ Wapo is that no credible authority questions the official story. Except of course for many, most significantly Robert Blakey who concluded you can’t believe a word the CIA has ever told anyone about the case way back in 2003 (which also got zero MSM attention).

First they tried to ignore Revisited, now the CIA is working overtime trying to discredit it within the corridors of power. Seems a bit desperate to me. Think we got them on the ropes.



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1 hour ago, Michaleen Kilroy said:

Yeah Boot was also a member of the Project for a New American Century (PNAC) and big cheerleader of the Iraq war along with Rummy, Wolfe and the other neo-imperialists (that JFK would’ve reviled, incidentally).

From Boot and the Hornady piece, it appears the CIA’s line via its mouth organ Wapo is that no credible authority questions the official story. Except of course for many, most significantly Robert Blakey who concluded you can’t believe a word the CIA has ever told anyone about the case way back in 2003 (which also got zero MSM attention).

First they tried to ignore Revisited, now the CIA is working overtime trying to discredit it within the corridors of power. Seems a bit desperate to me. Think we got them on the ropes.



I hope you are right, and I admire your optimism. 

B.B. King had a blues song lyric to the effect, "Oh, I win some battles, but I always lose the war." 

That's how I feel about the globalist national-security state. 

Oh, we may win with JFK:Revisited. A battle won. 

But the globalist national-security state controls both parties, M$M, and has a $1.2 trillion annual budget (DoD, DHS, VA and black budget). 

A company like Apple has a $3 trillion (with a "t") market cap, while BlackRock manages $10 trillion in assets, globally.  

The old internationalists, like Freeport Sulphur, or Dole, were not nearly in scale, and were mostly in resources extraction. The oil majors used to be big....but now all the international players are big+.

By any fair measure, the WaPo long ago should have forthrightly called for the release of all JFK docs, and a re-examination and investigation of the JFKA. No drawing conclusions, just a serious re-do of the investigation, with lots of transparency.  

The WaPo can't even do that. 

Instead they run this P.U. from Max Boot.  


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2 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

I hope you are right, and I admire your optimism. 

B.B. King had a blues song lyric to the effect, "Oh, I win some battles, but I always lose the war." 

That's how I feel about the globalist national-security state. 

Oh, we may win with JFK:Revisited. A battle won. 

But the globalist national-security state controls both parties, M$M, and has a $1.2 trillion annual budget (DoD, DHS, VA and black budget). 

A company like Apple has a $3 trillion (with a "t") market cap, while BlackRock manages $10 trillion in assets, globally.  

The old internationalists, like Freeport Sulphur, or Dole, were not nearly in scale, and were mostly in resources extraction. The oil majors used to be big....but now all the international players are big+.

By any fair measure, the WaPo long ago should have forthrightly called for the release of all JFK docs, and a re-examination and investigation of the JFKA. No drawing conclusions, just a serious re-do of the investigation, with lots of transparency.  

The WaPo can't even do that. 

Instead they run this P.U. from Max Boot.  


Yeah I was being a tad optimistic but I do think these articles wouldn’t have happened if the natsec power structure wasn’t concerned.

You make a great point which I also found to be true on the climate change issue. The debate was never about ‘the science’ - it was about the oil companies and their lackeys in the govt and media holding on to their wealth and power.

Same with JFKA. It’s not about ‘the truth.’ I think Revisited has won that battle. It’s about the natsec state holding on to its wealth and power. As I’m sure it was during the time of Garrison to today with Stone yet again.

At least we know what we’re up against and what the stakes truly are.

Edited by Michaleen Kilroy
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This is from one of the reporters who interviewed me this week.  He managed to get a decent discussion of the film into his online magazine.  But even they stayed away from the evidentiary points.  


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14 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:


Effing Max Boot. This guy has been on the Pentagon payroll, and for 20 years advised staying the course in Afghanistan. 

"More (JFK) documents remain to be released, but what has come out so far has done nothing to shake the conclusion reached by all credible investigators that Oswald was the lone gunman."---Max Boot

Yes, except the ultra-cautious HSCA in 1979 concluded the JFKA had likely been a conspiracy--and that was before even more evidence emerged thanks to Stone's film.  

Boot is also author of the stupendously awful  “The Road Not Taken: Edward Lansdale and the American Tragedy in Vietnam.”

Yes, we would-a, could-a, should-a won in Vietnam. Max Boot knows. He knows about crawling around in jungles and Operation Phoenix success stories---from his armchair in the Council of Foreign Relations. 

Then also, 


"In Afghanistan, the world is crumbling"

By Max Boot, Washington Post

 Aug 11, 2021 Updated Aug 12, 2021

Gee, the Afghan nation of 40 million did not fire one shot against the 70,000-man Taliban army. After 20 years if US tutelage and listening to Max Boot.  We just needed better counter-insurgency! 

If ever there was a reverse weather vane to watch, it is Max Boot. The globalist vision, financed by US taxpayers, for the benefit of multinationalist elites. 

Stay in Afghanistan! Vietnam! Run South America! Change Cuba! Africa needs intervention! More fleets for the Indo-Pacific! 

If the Dulles brothers have a successor....it is Max Boot. 

And did Boot ever spend even a few weeks looking into JFKA evidence for himself? 

But the WaPo will give him a platform.

I would welcome some trenchant questioning of JFK: Revisited. I think it would easily stand up to scrutiny, and if an issue or two emerged, so be it. 

But what we get is below-the-belt hit pieces---in the WaPo.

Okay, this is officially the worst article ever written about this film.

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3 hours ago, Micah Mileto said:

Okay, this is officially the worst article ever written about this film.

I dunno. Lots of competition in the Daily Beast, NYT, Rolling Stone, other WaPo missives.  

Strange fact: 50 years ago it was the alt-left media that tolerated unofficial JFKA narratives. 

Today, the alt-right media is more receptive to unofficial JFKA narratives. 

This does not mean the right-wing is correct on other issues, or that Trump is a great guy. 

But the media landscape has evolved in the last 50 years. 



Edited by Benjamin Cole
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18 minutes ago, Larry Hancock said:

I pretty much wish Ron had not posted that, its about the saddest thing I've heard in some time - why someone would be compelled to insert a  "f you" phrase into a Santa hotline call involving their child is a pitiful and embarrassing commentary.


Absolutely right Larry. Have some respect for the President even if you disagree with him. Too much of that type of thing on both sides of the aisle.

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On 12/24/2021 at 1:08 PM, James DiEugenio said:

This is from one of the reporters who interviewed me this week.  He managed to get a decent discussion of the film into his online magazine.  But even they stayed away from the evidentiary points.  


This is the type of article that you would write to skeptics though. 

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Max Boot's article is really thought provoking to me. It rests on premises that have taken years in the making (Garrison unreliable, single bullet theory plausible, only 3 shots 'heard' presumably equally spaced?). To the casual observer its too tedious to try and distil the truth.

What I do discern from the recent coverage is that honest commentators subscribe to the 'Jefferson Morley thesis'; that is the CIA has something to hide. Nobody talks Mafia any more, and the 'Cuba/Russia did it' argument is no longer gaining any traction. 

Pushing the Morley thesis is a terrific strong simple message. It may lead to some momentum for more openness and an increased scrutiny of future releases.


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On 12/24/2021 at 5:22 AM, Michaleen Kilroy said:

Yeah Boot was also a member of the Project for a New American Century (PNAC) and big cheerleader of the Iraq war along with Rummy, Wolfe and the other neo-imperialists (that JFK would’ve reviled, incidentally).

From Boot and the Hornady piece, it appears the CIA’s line via its mouth organ Wapo is that no credible authority questions the official story. Except of course for many, most significantly Robert Blakey who concluded you can’t believe a word the CIA has ever told anyone about the case way back in 2003 (which also got zero MSM attention).

First they tried to ignore Revisited, now the CIA is working overtime trying to discredit it within the corridors of power. Seems a bit desperate to me. Think we got them on the ropes.



Yes, the WaPo really seems to be leading the charge when it comes to publishing JFKA disinformation this year. 

Jeff Bezos should re-name the WaPo the Mockingbird Post.

We've seen a long series of bogus articles about JFK Revisted and the JFK assassination in the WaPo since JFK Revisited premiered at Cannes last July.

To recap...

First, WaPo ignored the film entirely.

Then, finally, a WaPo film critic named Sonny Bunch published a real flamer on August 26th ridiculing Oliver Stone and Spike Lee (for his subsequently edited 9/11 documentary.)

Then WaPo published that ridiculous Conspiracy Quiz article, reminding Americans that Oswald was a lone assassin.

Then Alecia P. Long published her WaPo bunk, followed by Ann Hornaday's WaPo bunk.

Now, we get this latest horsesh*t from the PNAC Neocon Max Boot.

It's shameless dishonesty.

And, in light of their endless disinformation, how shameless is WaPo's slogan-- "Democracy Dies in Darkness?"


Edited by W. Niederhut
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