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When did I ever say the Power Elite were the good guys?

Can anyone go through any of my writings, which are abundant, and find where I said that?  

(And BTW, if you read those writings or the ones I closely edited, you will see where I recognize who they are. As I do James Murdoch above.)

What I am doing is recognizing a sociological marker.

The whole FBI snafu about RG was not a Power Elite operation.

What is happening now is. I make no value judgment about it. I am just recognizing all the earmarks. And identifying what it is and where it came from.

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6 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

Up until now I didn't seriously believe that something like what Roger Stone is proposing to his Godfather would ever seriously happen. Just like the reported concern that Trump may not give up his rule if he lost the election.

But now?

I watched Trump's rally in Minden, Nevada earlier this evening.

He was totally obsessed and manic in proclaiming over and over ( I swear 10 to 15 times ) that the coming election "will" be fixed via the mail-in ballot process.

He started his rally with this paranoia and stayed with it so long, I sensed again his madness. He is just not in a rational place regards this obsession.

Combined with Roger Stone's mind boggling nationally broadcast proposal to Trump to declare Marshall Law if Trump loses the election on the very same night of Trump's ominous paranoia rally speech, my Hitler and his Brown Shirts memory warning system just went code red.

Could these Trump nuts actually do what they are threatening?

I know that half the country would probably go along with this fascist madness.

It's this Trump cult thing. I believe it is much more real and widespread now after seeing and hearing such things as Trump and his commuted friend are proposing.

What a truly scary nightmare.

      Honestly, Joe, I never thought something like the Trump Cult could happen here in America.

       Not sure which is more shocking-- that a sociopathic criminal like Donald Trump (and his GOP enablers) could hijack our government, or that Americans would still consider voting for him!

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8 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:


More wars have been fought in the name of religion than all the other reasons combined.

God, Guns and Trump... the unholy troika.

Steve Thomas


The threat of right-wing theocracy has raised its ugly head once again

Published 1 min ago on September 13, 2020

By Paul Rosenberg, Salon



“The Federalists, like today’s Republicans, were the conservatives, the party that believed the rich should rule, feared that more people being able to vote would put them out of power, regarded immigrants with contempt, and hypocritically boasted of having “all the religion.” The Federalist clergy, like the right-wing clergy of today, were outspokenly political, preaching that it was a religious duty to vote for Federalists.”

“That story is told in a new book by author and researcher Chris Rodda, “From Theocracy to Religious Liberty,””


In his Inaugural Speech of January 20, 2017, Donald Trump declared, “We are protected by God.”

Lately, he has been declaring that Joe Biden wants to "hurt God" and is "against God" and wants to "hurt the Bible."

As Mr. Rosenberg said, "Theocracy is rearing its ugly head once again."

Steve Thomas

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42 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

      Honestly, Joe, I never thought something like the Trump Cult could happen here in America.

       Not sure which is more shocking-- that a sociopathic criminal like Donald Trump (and his GOP enablers) could hijack our government, or that Americans would still consider voting for him!


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50 minutes ago, Kathy Beckett said:

Why in God's name would he have rallies where people are close to each other, with no masks, after he had stated it was a problem? Why would you do that to the people who are planning on voting for you? In an odd way, Herman Cain is a martyr. 


Because it's all about him. He doesn't give two cents about the people there, just the numbers. Wherever he goes, it has to be the biggest crowd ever. If some get sick, it is what it is. He sees those people just like he sees our war dead: losers and suckers.







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My loved one gave me books by R. Sikoryak recently, Constitution Illustrated and The Unquotable Trump.

The latter pairs actual T**** quotes with comics and comic books going back decades. When I hear that T**** is saying Biden wants to "hurt God" and is "against God" and wants to "hurt the Bible,"   I imagine something like this, from Sikoryak.

This file is too big, I am going to downsample it and re-upload once I delete this post.


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When I see and hear Trump speak, at rallies especially, I am struck with a sense of how truly stunted his emotional, psychological and self image perception state really is.

His manner or style of speaking. The content of his message. The extreme confrontational aggressiveness including taunting and making fun of others.

To me he comes across exactly like a Junior High age boy who is incredibly craving being the center of attention to a degree that he will do or say almost anything no matter how outrageous and dramatic to draw a crowd around him to fulfill this beyond normal extreme void filling need.

He conducts these highly theatrical performance speeches with an impulsivity of thought so unrestrained like you might expect from a 13 year old with extreme ADD.

He jumps from one subject to another in mid-sentence. He repeats his thoughts and messages so many times in countless thought disrupting interjections you cannot keep up with them.  His repetition of the same sound bites is so irrational, it's disturbing. And it seems like he is trying to convince himself of whatever these sound bites are conveying as much as those who he is spouting them too.

If I heard a fellow junior high school classmate give a class officer election campaign speech like the ones we hear Trump constantly give ... I would think this kid is off his or her rocker!

Way over the top arm and hand waving, angry and/or outraged shouting then almost whispering, immaturely and childishly making fun of his competition with derogatory facial and voice impersonations. 

If this was an actual stand up comedy act where the comedian presented his or her jokes in a purposeful, exaggerated, crazy over-the-top Hitler mania speech way it might make sense and not be so disturbing.

Trump always wears an expensive suit and tie, presents a serious businessman groomed personal appearance and has a decent enough vocabulary that confuses this other reality about him.

You think...he doesn't "look" like a seriously emotionally stunted or damaged person.

But then you see him go off on his impulsive, disjointed, angry then instantly calm rants complete with overly animated wild arm and hand waving, face making and voice impersonations and you are struck with the disturbing immaturity and incongruous reality of it all.

I swear, that in viewing old film footage of Mussolini speeches the exaggerated body posturing and facial expressions of "Il Duce" are the same as Trump's.



Edited by Joe Bauer
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Trump said that he won the Bay of Pigs Award?

Yo, Wheeler, what is Il Douche talking about here?

Is this the award Nixon used to refer to as "that Bay of Pigs thing?"

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When Trumpfinger made the announcement that cops who arrest killers should bang their heads while putting them in the car, he signed off on behavior such as in the article below, and much worse.  And he was too stupid and egotistical to walk it back once cops got overstressed by Covid and #BLM.

Georgia deputy filmed punching Black man in front of children is fired


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Bob Woodward and the Nihilism of “LOL Nothing Matters” Republicans

By Tim Miller September 10, 2020



“We should be talking about the insane fact that there is a recording of the president saying how dangerous this pandemic was at the same time he was lying to the American public and telling them not to worry about it because it was going to disappear “like a miracle.”

In any normal time, a revelation like this would trigger the president’s resignation, not because of the politics, but because of the moral outrage.

Woodward’s interviews with President Trump make as plain as day that our president is a congenital xxxx who is overmatched by the job, incapable of understanding reality, and utterly indifferent to the suffering his failures have caused.

Woodward’s interviews with Trump’s advisors reveal that the president’s own top men found him to be “dangerous,” “unfit,” compromised by Putin, “rudderless,” and possessing an attention span that is a “minus number.”

Given all that, it’s no wonder the president’s fans have resorted to nihilism and self-delusion.

What else do they have?”


Steve Thomas

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Watched Woodward on 60 Minutes last night.

Wondered why no one including Woodward ever presented the view that Trump didn't downplay the virus warning to simply calm the public, but to try to keep his one main campaign ace in the hole card viable...the economy.

IMO opinion ( and I think it was obvious) Trump's main concern with downplaying the true severity of the virus, was to keep people out spending money and reverse the massive shutdown which at first dropped his favorite pet economic brag the stock market down to levels lower than what he inherited from Obama.

Trump's true goal was to calm "the economic collapse" more than the fears of the people.

This is a glaring hole in Woodward's Trump tome. Too obvious imo.

And you did notice that Woodward's book publisher was CBS themselves!


No wonder they got this prized CBS 60 Minute marketing exposure.

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34 minutes ago, Joe Bauer said:

Watched Woodward on 60 Minutes last night.

Wondered why no one including Woodward ever presented the view that Trump didn't downplay the virus warning to simply calm the public, but to try to keep his one main campaign ace in the hole card viable...the economy.

IMO opinion ( and I think it was obvious) Trump's main concern with downplaying the true severity of the virus, was to keep people out spending money and reverse the massive shutdown which at first dropped his favorite pet economic brag the stock market down to levels lower than what he inherited from Obama.

Trump's true goal was to calm "the economic collapse" more than the fears of the people.

This is a glaring hole in Woodward's Trump tome. Too obvious imo.

And you did notice that Woodward's book publisher was CBS themselves!


No wonder they got this prized CBS 60 Minute marketing exposure.

I heard a news report questioning why Woodward kept this Trump virus admission on camera to himself all these months. Woodward’s explanation didn’t make sense, but even if it were true, as Woodward said, that he had to wait until May to verify the dangers of the virus he still didn’t share it until September. Woodward has a lot to answer for. 

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