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5 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

If you are not watching Trump's trial, you really should.  The Democrats are presenting a really convincing case.  Its tight, to the point, and evidence backed. Some of this stuff, I did not know myself, even though I wrote an article about it.  

You can watch a live feed at Politico.


Thanks for the tip.  I managed to catch about an hour an a half.  Some of it pretty damning.  Some new video was pretty emphatic.

The number 2 GOP seemed impressed.  "... was compelling".  Not that he or any of his compadres will change their votes to impeach.  Although one or two others have made interesting comments.  Cruz is still playing to the former prez's base.

Trump Failed to Intervene, Democrats Say: Impeachment Update (msn.com)



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24 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

Thanks for the tip.  I managed to catch about an hour an a half.  Some of it pretty damning.  Some new video was pretty emphatic.

The number 2 GOP seemed impressed.  "... was compelling".  Not that he or any of his compadres will change their votes to impeach.  Although one or two others have made interesting comments.  Cruz is still playing to the former prez's base.

Trump Failed to Intervene, Democrats Say: Impeachment Update (msn.com)



I missed the video of Schumer running.

5 takeaways from Day 2 of Trump’s impeachment trial (msn.com)

"... we changed what we were going to do on account that we thought the House manager's presentation was so well done." 

Christie calls Bruce Castor’s performance in impeachment trial ‘unthinkable’ (msn.com)

A pin drop, graphic, disgusting.

GOP senators call Capitol riot videos 'disturbing,' 'powerful,' 'graphic' (msn.com)

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Maxine Cheshire was rotten. She tried to sabotage my Bush CIA/Kennedy assassination research in Texas, but I outfoxed her. You'll see in this obit what John and Jacqueline Kennedy thought of her.

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10 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

If you are not watching Trump's trial, you really should.  The Democrats are presenting a really convincing case.  Its tight, to the point, and evidence backed. Some of this stuff, I did not know myself, even though I wrote an article about it.  

You can watch a live feed at Politico.


I guess tomorrow is closing arguments for the Dem's.  Could be interesting.

Lay it all down.


Edited by Ron Bulman
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On 2/1/2021 at 11:58 PM, Kirk Gallaway said:

I'm now seeing the struggles that the Dem congress people had to go through during the Capital Riots. Some at first weren't directed anywhere. AOC was hiding in Congressman Katie Porters bathroom,and she gave AOC  tennis shoes in case she would have to run.

In any Impeachment trial worth it's a salt, they have to reconstruct what happened , get intelligence people's testimony to verify the timelines, show every relevant bit of film evidence.  If that one Capitol Cop  redirected the mob,they have to show how close Mike Pence was to being seen or apprehended. 

Then you bring Pence to the witness stand, verify through Mike Pence;s testimony that he has built his political career  as a man who professes  love of his family,  God, and Mother Country.   Then you verify that his  family was with him.  Ask him if he heard the mob, Were you frightened for the welfare of your family? If he downplays it, show film of the mob chanting to hang Pence., Don;t spare any drama and make Pence search his soul, on National TV. What did you feel like when you and your family could hear the angry mob down the hall? Did you  fear for your family?

You bring Congress women to testify as to their fears. Unfortunately I wonder If AOC's just too divisive a figure to the right, but unfortunately through Fox, even the center.  But there are other women including Republican women.

This isn't even to mention the Trump meeting on Jan.5th. To really investigate that right, and to effectively use the testimony of the victims which were the the members of Congress themselves, (now that's real life drama!) as well as the various police forces. You just need more time. The Democrats should hold on. They shouldn't spill all their beans in a hastily constructed trial. I think they gather evidence, lay low, get their witnesses ready and orchestrate it to maximum effect.

Wow! I've only seen snippets of this. AOC tonight accounting her experience during the Capitol Riots.



Wow This Impeachment Trial presentation today was almost exactly what I was hoping they'd do. Anyone who lies crime show reconstructions would have to love this. It was very focused, timelines, maps of the Capitol, showing films of Congressman escaping and maps of where the rioters were! Good commentary, driving their points home. Trump tweets call Pence a traitor to the cause only 2 minutes before Pence and his family are escorted through a back route.

It's too bad they couldn't subpoena some of the people around Trump to nail down that the President did nothing in response. But they instead mentioned how Ivanka a and Jared tried to get through to him to get him to call it to stop, but they quoted articles from NYT and WAPO, and of course  the Republicans would refute such sources.

I'm not sure if they're going to bring in other witnesses. I heard the Dems are giving their summation tomorrow.


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To Conspiracy Theory or to Not Conspiracy Theory (That is the Question)

Posted By Scott Owen On February 11, 2021 @ 12:39 am In articles 2015 | Comments Disabled

Ever since the words were first introduced, conspiracy theories have carried the weight and stigma of mysterious enigmas wrapped in multiple layers of intrigue, deception, black-ops and lies. The very notion of conspiracy theories is itself considered by some to be a conspiracy theory. There are those who maintain that the CIA invented the term or at least brought it into our common language as a way of ridiculing those who questioned the Warren Report account of the murder of president JFK.

Whether the CIA did or did not intentionally use those words, conspiracy theory, to discredit those who were non-believers of the official Warren Report line, we will never know. And that’s the thing about a conspiracy theory, as to its truth, we may never know. What should be known however, what we would be better to believe, is that in this world of intrigue, deception, black-ops and lies, that there are without a doubt conspiracies. If the CIA ever had the desire to de-legitimize someone or some entire group, then or especially now, this moment is certainly ripe for supplying them with all the necessary ingredients for pulling off a grand conspiracy of mass de-legitimization of those they see as being political rabble-rousers.

The group who stormed the capitol on Jan.6th is one such group who follow conspiracy theories but although they are unique in being the ones who stormed the capitol, they are not unique in their beliefs in conspiracy theories. It might be hard, if one were to look, to find someone who does not believe in some conspiracy theory or another and it would be right for that to be the case because surely, one or the other of those theories is true, based on facts and even provable if the right material evidence could be produced. In this world of intrigue, deception, black-ops and lies however, it is sometimes very hard, impossible even for most of us, to get our hands on the right material evidence and those shady CIA operators are loving it. Nothing produces the environment where conspiracy theories thrive like reams of hidden or redacted evidence.

Are many of the conspiracy theories we hear nothing but pure bunk made-up by who knows who for no other reason than to confuse and distract? Yes, many of them are. Are some of those theories the result of half understood notions that are used in an effort to understand hidden truth? Yes, many of them are. Are some of those theories true but only the tip of even greater conspiracies that we still haven’t even begun to suspect? It’s likely so. Would it be of some value to the public to keep an open mind where conspiracy theories are concerned? Yes, as it would be one of the tyrants greatest moments in  psy-op history if we were not keeping an open mind where conspiracy theories are concerned. Are conspiracy theories currently being down-played and ridiculed as being absurd and the domain of idiots and fools? Yes they are!

Is this treatment of conspiracy theories as some form of mental illness or instability, coupled with corporate and government censorship of things that they and they alone deem as being conspiracy theories with no redeeming even harmful value to the public, a smart way to go in societies hoping to retain some shred of truth and freedom? No it is not. Let us ask ourselves then, would we be wise to write off as unacceptable any theories that suggest conspiracy and to then allow government and corporate control of censorship of those theories? I think not. Would you then prefer to live in a society where people are allowed to freely suggest conspiracies where there may or may not be conspiracies or would you prefer to live in a society where no conspiracy theories are allowed even though they may or may not be true?

Do you wish to live in a society where you and you alone are allowed to discern truth from fiction according to the evidence you yourself are able to uncover or do you want corporations and government to do that for you?

Article printed from CounterPunch.org: https://www.counterpunch.org

URL to article: https://www.counterpunch.org/2021/02/11/to-conspiracy-theory-or-to-not-conspiracy-theory-that-is-the-question/

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1 hour ago, Paul Rigby said:

To Conspiracy Theory or to Not Conspiracy Theory (That is the Question)

Posted By Scott Owen On February 11, 2021 @ 12:39 am In articles 2015 | Comments Disabled

Ever since the words were first introduced, conspiracy theories have carried the weight and stigma of mysterious enigmas wrapped in multiple layers of intrigue, deception, black-ops and lies. The very notion of conspiracy theories is itself considered by some to be a conspiracy theory. There are those who maintain that the CIA invented the term or at least brought it into our common language as a way of ridiculing those who questioned the Warren Report account of the murder of president JFK.

Are conspiracy theories currently being down-played and ridiculed as being absurd and the domain of idiots and fools? Yes they are!

Is this treatment of conspiracy theories as some form of mental illness or instability, coupled with corporate and government censorship of things that they and they alone deem as being conspiracy theories with no redeeming even harmful value to the public, a smart way to go in societies hoping to retain some shred of truth and freedom? No it is not.

Article printed from CounterPunch.org: https://www.counterpunch.org

URL to article: https://www.counterpunch.org/2021/02/11/to-conspiracy-theory-or-to-not-conspiracy-theory-that-is-the-question/

FWIW -  I've taken to using Coincidence Theory when discussing events dismissed by others as just another conspiracy theory.

It's quite easy to make a list of all the events a coincidence theorist has to believe are just unrelated coincidences to reject the hypothesis of a conspiracy being responsible for certain events.  Then ask what is the probability of all of them being coincidences.  If one isn't, there is a conspiracy.  If the probabilities of one or more occurring as coincidences are low then the probability of a conspiracy goes up.

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1 hour ago, Bill Fite said:

FWIW -  I've taken to using Coincidence Theory when discussing events dismissed by others as just another conspiracy theory.

It's quite easy to make a list of all the events a coincidence theorist has to believe are just unrelated coincidences to reject the hypothesis of a conspiracy being responsible for certain events.  Then ask what is the probability of all of them being coincidences.  If one isn't, there is a conspiracy.  If the probabilities of one or more occurring as coincidences are low then the probability of a conspiracy goes up.

All very sensible: The approach will never catch on.

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Could Lisa Murkowski change her mind about not voting to impeach the "Inciter in Chief?"

In the Capital Building hallway interview video below, she seemed very shaken by the Democratic manager's Trump charging presentation. She described the presentation with it's very thorough and well thought out "all the pieces put together" time line layout as very "damning" and "disturbing."

She sounded and even looked much more upset and disturbed about the riot event and Trump's culpability in this than previously.

Murkowski was in the Capital Building hearing chamber when it was attacked. She personally felt the great fear her fellow congressmembers felt.

I think the highly emotional sharing of the true traumatizing power of the Trump crazies attack by her bonded-by-fear colleagues and their much more informative and revealing "factual" presentation of Trump's inciting culpability (which it's well thought out "time line" facts greatly bolstered ) touched Murkowski's sense of greater outrage over the entire event and Trump's part in it.

Murkowski has expressed bi-partisan non-Trump blind loyalty sentiments before but in the end she went the Trump way, so I don't really expect her to vote for impeachment.

Yet, in this interview she sure "sounded" like she was more outraged about Trump's inciting culpability in the Capital Building attack affair than she was before the trial.

Who knows, maybe the impeachment vote will be 57/43 in the end?

With Murkowski switching sides?




Edited by Joe Bauer
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Tuberville comments help fuel House case against Trump



“Sen. Tommy Tuberville revealed late Wednesday that he spoke to then-President Donald Trump on Jan. 6, just as a violent mob closed in on the Senate, and informed Trump that then-Vice President Mike Pence had just been evacuated from the chamber.

I said ‘Mr. President, they just took the vice president out, I’ve got to go,'” the Alabama Republican told POLITICO on Capitol Hill, saying he cut the phone call short amid the chaos.

House managers say the Trump-Tuberville call took place shortly after 2 p.m. Pence was evacuated from the chamber at about 2:15 p.m., and Trump sent his tweet attacking Pence at 2:24 p.m. The entire Senate was cleared by about 2:30 p.m.

...the call occurred at virtually the same moment Trump fired off a tweet attacking Pence for lacking “courage” to unilaterally attempt to overturn the presidential election results — a tweet that came after Pence and his family were rushed from the Senate chamber. “

"Mike Pence didn't have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution," Trump said.


Trump knew that Pence was in danger, and wasn’t even in the Chamber to affect any change..

The rioters responded by shouting, “Hang Mike Pence”! “Hang Mike Pence”!

Don’t tell me Trump wasn’t calling the shots. He deliberately tried to have Mike Pence killed.

Steve Thomas

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Former US President Donald Trump’s handshake with French President Emmanuel Macron was likened to a “primitive jungle scene”  in an article by James Crump in "The Independent".

I would have loved to see Trump assert his "alpha male" dominance during a handshake with either Arnold Swarzenegger or even former governor Jesse Ventura.

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11 hours ago, Joseph McBride said:



Maxine Cheshire was rotten. She tried to sabotage my Bush CIA/Kennedy assassination research in Texas, but I outfoxed her. You'll see in this obit what John and Jacqueline Kennedy thought of her.


      Is there a reference for your "Bush CIA/Kennedy assassination research in Texas?"

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8 minutes ago, Douglas Caddy said:

Talk about censorship.  This is part of the reason it all happened in the first place.

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