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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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"Washington’s Newest Thinktank Is Fomenting a Revolution in US Foreign Affairs

The Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft is funded by rival billionaires George Soros and Charles Koch from both sides of America’s ideological-political divide."

America’s newest foreign policy think tank threatens to radically realign the politics of US national security. At a conference on Capitol Hill in late February, the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft showcased what it calls its “transpartisan” left-right alliance of “realists”. Their goal is to drop democracy promotion, humanitarian intervention and stop the US from fighting “endless wars”.

The Wire 3/1/2020


Translation: We can do business with anybody, especially the CCP. Billionaires unite! 

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3 hours ago, Ty Carpenter said:

Short of doing nothing, I believe the only way to possibly avoid a catastrophic war is to assassinate Putin. But this is certainly something else. Lindsey said the quiet part out loud.


That would be nice, Ty. But what would  Oliver , Jim and Jeff say?

heh heh  Sorry i just couldn't help injecting forum politics into this.

Seriously, if there was an assassination, obviously somebody would be ready to assume power.? Unless it was a LN, Then there might really be chaos! This is the stuff great books are made of! Certainly it wouldn't be an oligarch taking power right? They can't be that popular, you would think. 

imagine the manhunt that would ensue online among the West pro Putin people! They'd overlook fellow oligarchs and people close to  Putin and would be searching for that LHO American patsy gold!

heh heh heh heh heh heh

heh heh!

Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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9 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

That would be nice, Ty. But what would  Oliver , Jim and Jeff say?

heh heh  Sorry i just couldn't help injecting forum politics into this.

And it's not only the few Putin sympathizers we have here. I am seeing so many people make incredible stretches to defend Putin's actions. Some stretching so far that I am concerned they may pull a hamstring!

Lot's of the folks doing this are the ones who denied any Russian influence in the election or Trump administration. I still think most of those claims were most likely bogus, but to see the lengths some people will go to to defend Putin makes one wonder what they are truly involved in.

I think it is most likely a way to cope for them. They realize any real involvement by the West will lead to WW3 and possible annihilation. I think their smooth brains make justifications for Putin in an attempt to soothe themselves. Similar to not addressing the real problem in any aspect of your life, they think they can ignore the problem and it will go away. Rational beings realize that will not work. 

Perhaps W. can weigh in on the psychology of this. I would be interested to hear his thoughts on my theory.

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What a plot for a book! , and then a movie!

if there was an assassination, obviously somebody would be ready to assume power.? Unless it was a LN, which of course doesn't seem likely being that Putin seems very paranoid of public exposure. But bear with me. Then there might really be chaos!  Certainly it wouldn't be an oligarch taking power right? They can't be that popular, you would think. 

There might be a period when the assassin(s) are reluctant to reveal their (his) identity because they (he)will be unsure of prevailing forces.

Imagine the manhunt that would ensue online among the West pro Putin people! They'd overlook fellow oligarchs and people close to  Putin and would be searching for that LHO American patsy gold!

Then they start a rumor mill online that the Americans are behind it, and the Russian person in the street is more likely to accept that Americans are behind it because it's coming from an American source, and there becomes a more militant right wing faction forming to take over the country!



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20 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

What a plot for a book! , and then a movie!

In this case it works far better if China are behind the assassination, secretly, making it look like a US asset has done it. A long protracted war ensues without the use of nukes, which depletes the USA/Europe, replicates the Soviet suffering and whilst both nations are weak as kittens, China steps out of its neutrality and takes the reins as the worlds premier super power. 

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15 hours ago, Matt Allison said:

Inside Russia, people that call the invasion "a war" or "an invasion" instead of a "special military operation" are being told they will receive 15 year prison terms.

At this point I'm not seeing much difference between the old USSR and the current Russia.

'There was no section in Article 58 which was interpreted as broadly and with so ardent a revolutionary conscience as Section 10.  Its definition was: "Propaganda or agitation, containing an appeal for the overthrow, subverting, or weakening of the Soviet power...and, equally, the dissemination or preparation or possession of literary materials of similar content."  For this section in peacetime a minimum penalty only was set (not any less! not too light!); no upper limit was set for the maximum penalty.

The Gulag Archipelago 1918-56  Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. 


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Tucker Carlson "apologizes?"

Yeah right!

Like he really feels remorse for his America and Biden putdowns and Russia defending during this siege?

How many times have we seen and heard nerdy offended looking and puckish sounding Tucker Wucker put his outrageous commentary foot in his mouth, create a firestorm of outraged backlash and when the heat gets so bad with even advertisers dropping his show... then and ONLY THEN does he come out with these weak and phony "apologies?"

What will it take for the supposed "more patriotic" media organization FOX NEWS to stand by their hyper charged flag waving "we love this country - unlike liberals" image promotion to finally "fire" this ... this high pitched whining, constantly pinch-eyed offended, junior high school squealer looking nerd of an excuse for a news journalist who will even defend our enemies as long as doing so can damage Joe Biden.  

Shame on Pucker Tucker and shame on FOX NEWS for enabling and promoting this anti-American propagandist, especially at this unbelievably heightened and precarious world danger time.



Edited by Joe Bauer
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Russian cats banned from international competition

2022/3/3 New York Daily News


“The Federation Internationale Feline announced on its website that because of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, FIFe has banned Russian cats from international competition until at least June.

“The Board of FIFe feels it cannot just witness these atrocities and do nothing,” the organization said.”

Forget the oligarchs. Now see what you’ve went and done?


Steve Thomas

Edited by Steve Thomas
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1 hour ago, Joe Bauer said:

Tucker Carlson "apologizes?"

Yeah right!

Like he really feels remorse for his America and Biden putdowns and Russia defending during this siege?

How many times have we seen and heard nerdy offended looking and puckish sounding Tucker Wucker put his outrageous commentary foot in his mouth, create a firestorm of outraged backlash and when the heat gets so bad with even advertisers dropping his show... then and ONLY THEN does he come out with these weak and phony "apologies?"

What will it take for the supposed "more patriotic" media organization FOX NEWS to stand by their hyper charged flag waving "we love this country - unlike liberals" image promotion to finally "fire" this ... this high pitched whining, constantly pinch-eyed offended, junior high school squealer looking nerd of an excuse for a news journalist who will even defend our enemies as long as doing so can damage Joe Biden.  

Shame on Pucker Tucker and shame on FOX NEWS for enabling and promoting this anti-American propagandist, especially at this unbelievably heightened and precarious world danger time.




Can you link to where Tucker made an apology? I am usually in agreement with Tucker, but not on the Russia situation. He had Doug Macgregor on the other night and I was disgusted at what I was hearing. It was like a KGB agent was there spewing Russian propaganda on the show.

I did notice last night that the Tuck has moderated his tone in regards to defending Russia as a innocent.

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3 hours ago, Pete Mellor said:

'There was no section in Article 58 which was interpreted as broadly and with so ardent a revolutionary conscience as Section 10.  Its definition was: "Propaganda or agitation, containing an appeal for the overthrow, subverting, or weakening of the Soviet power...and, equally, the dissemination or preparation or possession of literary materials of similar content."  For this section in peacetime a minimum penalty only was set (not any less! not too light!); no upper limit was set for the maximum penalty.

The Gulag Archipelago 1918-56  Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. 



    Strange synchronicity.  I'm currently reading The Gulag Archipelago, and I had just read the passage you quoted (above) last night.  I came across another passage in the book today that also relates to Putin's current police state and the firebombing of Ukrainian cities.

     The gist of it was Solzhenitsyn lamenting that the Cheka/NKVD leaders who tortured and imprisoned millions in the Gulag were never brought to justice in the USSR.  Solzhenitsyn believed that the country needed to fully acknowledge and repent of its horrific crimes against humanity in order to avoid repeating its historic crimes in the next generation.

     That never happened.

     Instead, they ended up with KGB Major Vladimir Putin-- a man whose father was an NKVD "Destruction Brigade" officer, of the kind who arrested Red Army Captain Alexander Solzhenitsyn on the German front in 1945 and sent him to the Gulag for 10 years!  And Vlad Putin, himself, actively sought a position in the KGB as a young man-- something that Solzhenitsyn and his college friends refused to do in the 1930s.


Edited by W. Niederhut
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4 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:

People Who Are Living In Russia Right Now As It Invades Ukraine Share What It’s Like In 30 Posts


They’re trapped, and there’s no way out.


Steve Thomas


Thanks Steve.  Some moving, intelligent, exasperated statements, they know what's going on.  There are still some good people in Russia.  I feel for them.  It seems a younger more electronically savvy generation, while those older were raised on and are still addicted to state TV propaganda.

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