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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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3 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

Useless. Into congressional hearings he goes without being able to claim the fifth. States hold their cards until that is over with and into the piranha pen forthwith as he walks out the door. He's in a very tough spot whereas if he was actually given the usual pardon based on mercy or contrition he might have skated.

This likely gives more ammo to Republicans to convict Trump too. The good part is if he's not convicted Trump is mumbling about forming his own party which would sideline the Republicans for the next few cycles by peeling off ten or twenty million (or possibly less)voters. They deserve it for backing this waste of carbon.

Edited by Bob Ness
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I like the one where Rudy Giuliani blames Bill Barr for the riot.

It was treacherous': Rudy Giuliani hits out at Bill Barr for blaming Trump for Capitol riots and says cause of unrest was the ex-Attorney General's 'failure to investigate voter fraud' which left mob 'angry'

By Luke Kenton For Dailymail.com 20 January 2021


Rudy Giuliani said Tuesday that blame over the violent US Capitol riots should, at least in part, be attributed to former Attorney General William Barr – and not Donald Trump.

The former New York City Mayor made the comments in response to an assertion made by Barr on Monday in which he said Trump ‘precipitated’ the deadly unrest in Washington DC on January 6.

‘The real cause of the violence, I think, if you want something other than Antifa, is Bill Barr not investigating [election fraud],’ Giuliani added. ‘If the people are angry, they are angry that these crimes have gone unredressed, and we’ve gone two years with crimes unredressed.’”

It's nice to see the rats eating their own.

Steve Thomas

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Typical terrible twos tantrum throwing Trump just can't help himself.

Out the door on his last day in office he's dropping his drawers and mooning the American people with a final "Kiss My A$$" abuse of presidential perp pardon power performance.

A disgustingly blatant cynical and amoral middle finger thrusting TAKE THAT act of pissed off pay back for him being denied his delusional demands and way.

What a disturbed mind double whammy of legacy ruining conflict and chaos creating carnage the "fired" and disgrunted Trump leaves the American people in his last two weeks in office.

An encouraged and promoted violent insurrection ( with deaths ) upon our own highest body level of government and sacred Democracy institutions. 

Coupled with a gut cringing coup de grace gaggle of gleefully granted grand injustice pardons to his most loyal perp pals no matter how egregious their crimes.

What a magnificent send off display of ... well ... Trumpism.

Goodbye Mr.Trump and  ...  "Good Riddance!"

And please ( like the "Terminator" president you have been) ... please don't say that most famous line ..."I'LL BE BACK!" 

We've had enough of your unbelievably narcissistic, self-obsessed and mad with power constant conflict creating, nation dividing delusional nightmare.

We all need a deserved rest to start recovering from all the "PTTSD."

Post Traumatic Trump Stress Syndrome.




Edited by Joe Bauer
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I hope to God Joe Biden smudges the White House.

Purification Through the Ancient Practice of Smudging


"Smudging is an ancient purification ritual originally practiced by Native Americans. It involves igniting a bundle or braidof dried herbs and waving the smoke to purify people or spaces. Smudging metaphorically renews and cleanses the body, the mind and the spirit.

Smudging creates a “cleansing” smoke bath which mystics say purifies the physical and spiritual body and brings harmony and emotional balance. It releases negative ions, which research shows creates a more positive environment allowing spiritual cleansing and connectedness with the spiritual realm. Some say burning herbs releases the scents and vibrations into the air, replacing negative energies with the healing properties of herbs from the earth."


Oh, and he needs to sweep the White House for listening devices too.

Steve Thomas

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What was in those boxes of files that Donald Trump loaded aboard Marine One on the White House lawn just before he left for Andrews Air Force base?

What was so important that he couldn't trust them to ordinary shipping methods and couldn't afford to let them out of his sight?

I wonder.

Steve Thomas

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The Swan Song of Donald J. Trump

After T. S. Eliot


         Sì, era bello,

          Che cosa con i criminale, le puttane, le pistole...

          L'Oceano Atlantico era qualcosa allora.

          Sì, avresti dovuto vedere l'Oceano Atlantico

          In quei giorni.*


I am a jealous god.  I’m not kidding –

Yod Hey Vav Hey?  Got nothin’ on me,

Though I chose His people, too –

To do my accounting.


I had to run for president,

They wouldn’t elect me sewer inspector in New York:

Rudy told me, setting down his fork –

I had not known so many were so smart.


You goddamn people –

If you’re so smart, why aren’t you rich?

My father used to say.  To Fred.


Some days it’s not worth rolling over in bed,

To turn on the TVs, or go Tweet in the head.

Eff ‘em.  Eff ‘em all, I want to say.

I can say that.


OK, I’m rolling over now.  Your president,

Anointed in the urine of Belorussian hoors

Upon the high altar of the Obamas’ platform bed,

In a hotel suite in Moscow,

On camera, yet.


The things I did for this country are secret,

So secret, you’ll never find them,

So secret, you’ll never believe it.

Talk about a Deep State – Me!


I ran the country like a business,

And I ran that business into the ground –

They call that a bust-out scheme in Jersey,

It’s like some unstoppable disease.


I kept my tiny pimp hand strong

(“Jared taught him that one” – Wrong!)

Left and right, The Donald fired ‘em,

Just like on TV.  I’m hardened  

And what I did suborn, I pardoned.


I kept the Mexicans off your lawn.

Black people?  Don’t make me yawn.

They’re better off than four years ago,

‘Cause you’re better off dead in America, amigo.


I ruled in God’s image.  It’s why

We’re never photographed together.


Now all America wants me dead:

The state is ugly, dark and deep –

I took too much Adderall to sleep.


In the room, the hookers come and go,

Talking sh*t about me, I know.


I gave a speech to Boy Scouts and their kin

There will be time, I said, for circle-jerks to end.

You think they listened?

You’re not listening.


I had a foursome once – me, Melania,

Little Saint Jeff and Ghislane.

It was boring.  Ghislane in her old age

Needs a boob job, and kept half an eye

On Melania the whole time.  I tried

To shove my raw, slouched shoulder in her way.

But couldn’t make her attention stray.

Now she dreams of that night, in her cell.


No one asks: If Virginia Roberts was so innocent,

Why did she take a job at Mar-a-Lago at fourteen?

Nobody ever asks that.


In the halls the Congress comes and goes

Be there.  Will be wild!  You know.


The hoors have hocked their hearts of gold, in vain,

The blonde hoors that arched their backs beside the windowpane,

They can find me at the bar now, club soda not champagne,

At Jerry Blavat’s Memories club in Margate –

On Margate Sands.


But there’s only so much Wooly Bully

A man can stand.


I will walk upon your beach, Atlantic City,

If the boardwalk needs more boards, you can tear them

From the doors and windows of my hotel-casinos.


At Scores, I hear the strippers whisper, each to each –

They had better not be talking about me,

Or my penis.



*Burt Lancaster in Atlantic City (1980)












Edited by David Andrews
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5 minutes ago, Andrew Prutsok said:

Trump missed a real opportunity to burnish his legacy and unite the country by pardoning Biden for stealing the election.

Really Andrew, If Trump just issued a pardon and Biden just  accepted Trump's pardon, and just pulled out and conceded now. Maybe we could just go on with our lives!!

I still believe it's possible! But the way it is now. No way can I accept this!

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As I stated in an earlier post, I have now returned my flag to the top of the pole where it belonged and the light will be on it tonight.  Though there is much left to be dealt with, I feel much more calm and relaxed already.  Since, hopefully this topic will now not be necessary and will die off or be subject to the same rules as the other topics and be moved out of the JFK section, I will take this opportunity to thank all who participated.  It has been cathartic for me to have this outlet.  Hopefully, now we can begin to migrate to more normalcy and traditional arguments without having to call each other names and decry anyone on the opposite side of the political (or other) spectrum an enemy.

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