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Pete Mellor

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Everything posted by Pete Mellor

  1. Gene, according to ex-British Intelligence officer, it was one Samuel Bloom (prominent Dallas executive) who, after Oswald's arrest, suggested to the Dallas police that they move the alleged assassin from the police station to the Dallas County jail in order to give the newsmen a good story and pictures. When the cops searched Ruby's place in Oak Cliff they found a piece of paper with Bloom's name, address and telephone number on it.
  2. Posts on the TSBD on this thread, yet the Dal-Tex, home of Abe Zapruder, phone box for Eugene Hale Brading and bar-room for Larry Florer, was owned by David Weisblat, an Anti-Defamation League financier & Morris Douglas Jaffe, a Texas oilman who, according to a New York Times article, was a friend and contributor to LBJ.
  3. Ha! Yeah Ron, Winston was pretty sharp with the one liners.
  4. Too true! Bugliosi's record on his prosecution case on the Manson murders shows him to be a manufacturer of so called evidence, tampering or ignoring witnesses whose statements would not fit into his explanation of the crimes and writing a best selling book on this fiction.
  5. Not only that, but Ruby didn't peg out in Parkland but was witnessed boarding a plane to Tel Aviv.
  6. Sad to hear of his passing. I got to catch CSN's tour in U.K. in 2005 & I've always loved '4 Way Street' album. Crosby this week, Jeff Beck last week. Heroes for ghosts. Now in my 70's, the golden time seems so long ago.
  7. It certainly would Michaleen, my thoughts exactly. Stand by.
  8. Agree Paul. When I re-make contact with Tom O'Neill I will certainly update the findings. I have always felt an inkling that JCS or some element of same could have joined the action in Dallas. Army Intell just happened to be in Dealey Plaza photographing the Book Depository in the person of James Powell, I think his photo was shot prior to any DPD evidence being found on the 6th floor! Not to mention the 112th army group at Fort Sam Houston being stood down from presidential protection duties in Dallas. As an aside, reading about LeMay, the popular quote of him stating "bombing the Vietnamese back into the stone age" is false. Apparently he never said that at all. The phrase was an invention of Kantor in his book with LeMay, which LeMay let stand, but denied later that he ever said that.
  9. Yes, interesting. Most researchers scrutinise CIA & look to their redacted and withheld files as to logical incrimination in the JFKA as well as their association with LHO etc. Recently I was intrigued by a paragraph in Tom O'Neill's book 'Chaos', where he wrote:-""General Curtis E. LeMay, a legendary fighter pilot who'd implemented the carpet bombing of Japan during World War II. A notorious hawk. LeMay had served as chief of staff of the U.S. Air Force under Presidents Kennedy and Johnson. In 1962, during the Cuban Missile Crisis, he'd tried to organise a coup against Kennedy among the Joint Chiefs of Staff, he wanted to force the military to flout the president's orders and bomb the Soviet missile bases they'd found in Cuba." I thought that passage "organise a coup against Kennedy among the Joint Chiefs of Staff" extremely interesting in 1962, considering the event in Dallas just over 12 months later AND adding JFK's backward steps on Vietnam and the Test Ban treaty in '63, the latter also not going down favourably with LeMay. I certainly had never encountered any LeMay coup claim prior to reading O'Neill's work, which is very detailed and thorough in it's research. O'Neill's Notes that accompanied the above quote named three books, 'In a Time of Torment' by I.F. Stone. 'LeMay: The Life & Wars of General Curtis LeMay' by Warren Kozak. 'Mission with LeMay: My Story' by Curtis LeMay & MacKinlay Kantor. My interest piqued, over the latter couple of months I Amazoned the first two. Izzy Stone's collection of his 1960's press publications contained just one piece on LeMay with no mention of any coup. After waiting weeks for the Warren Kozak book to be shipped from the States, I drew another blank. Kozak covers LeMay's life in standard biographical chronological order, so I read through the relevant time period covering the CMC and LeMay's service under Kennedy, and drew a second blank! No mention at all of any intimation of a coup. As all three books were absent from local library listings & the LeMay/Kantor book unavailable on internet searches, so far my attempts to corroborate O'Neill's coup claim has been unsuccessful. I have raised this point with the author via e-mail, to ask just where exactly he came across this quote. Tom O'Neill's reply has informed me that his books/notes etc are in California and at present he is travelling. I have been requested to re-contact him in February. Anyone reading this post who has a copy of the LeMay/Kantor publication could assist this search. As for Jefferson Morley, he is a solid investigative journalist. Very credible, and I briefly met him at Lancer a decade ago.
  10. Just downloaded 'Buried in Plain Site' from Amazon U.K. costing £16.57. John Hunt's work on this certainly looks detailed, just observing the titles of the chapters. I echo Ron's congrats to the Lancer team for getting this out, even in Kindle format. Does anyone know what has, or will, become of John's JFK papers?
  11. Not heard of that before Lori. I was aware of French OAS operatives requesting help from CIA in assassinating DeGaulle. JFK's visit in '61 was right in the heart of OAS actions against DeGaulle. He had survived one attempt on his life in '61 & JFK was known to support Algerian independence too, so for those reasons security was very high for Kennedy's visit. DeGaulle's life was charmed though. He survived many attempts on his life, well into double figures.
  12. Ron, Google 'Swift Return-The Wexford Carol' on You Tube. John's link works for me.
  13. Here in the olde country Christmas Eve tv has screened an hour or so of 'Carols from King's, in the candlelit Chapel of King's College Cambridge. Vaughan Williams' Fantasia a highlight. I was able to visit this place just a couple of years back, it really is an amazing building, tall stained glass windows and a superb 15thC hammer beamed roof. It was about the only positive contribution by the catatonic King Henry VI, although being built in the middle of the 'wars of the Roses' it wasn't completed until King Richard III gifted a grant of £300 to complete the work in 1484. Strangely, Henry was bumped off in 1471 in the Tower of London, coincidentally on the night that Richard just happened to call by. Forget JFK, Richard must be the father of all conspiracy theories. Christmas greets to all and best wishes for 2023.
  14. Too many statements/claims, without any substantiating evidence. I bunked out after the first few pages. However, I strongly recommend O'Neill's 'Chaos' that is built on solid investigative journalism.
  15. Agree Tom. O'Neill put decades of research into his publication & made 'Helter Skelter' a work of fiction. I would question just who Bugliosi was writing for....employed by the same agency as West.
  16. Thanks for that Calvin, interesting article on West, and how 1984ish can you get when his Ruby visit was requested by a Dr. Hubert Winston Smith!! You couldn't make this stuff up. I have recently read a book by Tom O'Neill 'Chaos-Charles Manson, the CIA and the Secret history of the Sixties'. A work that uncovers Louis Jolyon West's presence, working in the same building that was regularly being visited by Charles Manson.
  17. Yes, I have to agree with you Kirk. Also we are told on the Friday evening Ruby attempted to enter the office where Oswald was being interrogated and told by an officer "You can't go in there Jack" or words to that effect. I would also like to have explained how this night club owner could know of Oswald's link to 'Fair Play for Cuba Committee' at the Friday midnight press interview. I have also read that Ruby was seen on that Friday evening up on the 4th floor of the DPD HQ. All these incidents don't indicate that Ruby's killing of Oswald was just pure chance and ideal timing. Dallas Deputy Sheriff Al Maddox claimed: "Ruby told me, he said, 'Well, they injected me for a cold.' He said it was cancer cells. That's what he told me, Ruby did. I said you don't believe that bullshit. He said, 'I damn sure do!' [Then] one day when I started to leave, Ruby shook hands with me and I could feel a piece of paper in his palm, [In this note] he said it was a conspiracy and he said, "if you will keep your eyes open and your mouth shut, you're gonna learn a lot." And that was the last letter I ever got from him. In the note, Ruby claimed he was part of a conspiracy, and that his role was to silence Oswald. Not long before Ruby died, according to an article in the London Times, he told psychiatrist Werner Teuter that the assassination was "an act of overthrowing the government" and that he knew "who had President Kennedy killed". He added: "I am doomed. I do not want to die. But I am not insane. I was framed to kill Oswald. Most strange to me is why such a character as Jolly West should be a visitor to Ruby in his jail cell. Is it any wonder conspiracy theories abound in this case?
  18. John, It is high time I re-contacted you with e-mail.....Stand by and I will send you Bart's contact details.
  19. Greg, Very interesting set of posts on the Walker shooting. In the recent D.P.U.K. seminar researcher Scott Reid gave a presentation on fellow Scott William McEwan Duff, who was a personal servant of Walker in late '62 till Feb of '63. Duff was arrested on 18th April '63 in relation to the shooting after info given by Robert Surrey to DPD. Surrey also gave testimony of two men casing Walker's house on 8th April '63. Gen Walker also employed two private detectives to investigate Duff's possible involvement in the shooting. Duff is reputed to have confessed to the shooting and I believe that he was polygraphed (by FBI?) in June of '63. He also claimed to have seen Jack Ruby at Walker's house in late '62 & early '63. Also, a Dallas bar or restaurant owner contacted DPD claiming to have seen Duff and Oswald together on night of the Walker shooting. All very bizarre!
  20. D.P.U.K. Master of Ceremonies Neale Safaty will host a Zoom session with Pat Hall, grandaughter of Gladys Johnson, in 1026 Beckley. The Zoom link will begin at 07:00 GMT this Saturday 11/26/22 & should be available to view afterwards on the D.P.U.K. webpage. One tap mobile+13462487799,,85789227002# US (Houston)+16699006833,,85789227002# US (San Jose)Dial by your location +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) +1 719 359 4580 US +1 253 205 0468 US +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) +1 669 444 9171 US +1 386 347 5053 US +1 507 473 4847 US +1 564 217 2000 US +1 646 931 3860 US +1 689 278 1000 US +1 929 205 6099 US (New York) +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC) +1 305 224 1968 US +1 309 205 3325 US +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 360 209 5623 US
  21. J.P Same deal here in U.K. Access blocked. So kick some for me too.
  22. Yeah, me too. Found the Kozak & Stone books on Amazon, fairly cheap, so will go for one of these.
  23. Jim, although there are no direct references to Notes on the actual page, at the back of O'Neill's 'Chaos' he gives info by page number, which relates to LeMay's coup plot with:- See Curtis LeMay with MacKinlay Kantor, 'Mission with LeMay' (Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1965) Warren Kozak, 'LeMay: The Life and Wars of General Curtis LeMay' (Washington D.C.: Regnery, 2009) and I.F. Stone, 'LeMay: Cave Man in a Jet Bomber, in a Time of Torment, 1961-1967' (Boston: Little, Brown, 1989), 92-104.
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