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1 hour ago, Matt Allison said:

Hope everyone has their popcorn ready, the sh*t is starting to hit the fan...

OK, I am outnumbered, so I beating a retreat. 

Just remember, the Cheney-M$M version of 1/6...is like the Warren Commission version of 11/22...

A manufactured narrative, and the purpose is political....


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14 hours ago, Douglas Caddy said:

Fascinating stuff here. Not to be missed.



Thanks for sharing this, Doug. It was a good watch, I don't agree with it all, but, it's very much aligned with the views of one of my geopolitics pals. I have aired my views here before, I think it's much more centralised and the current lack of weak leaders is due to that, they're essentially lower down a hierarchy. I enjoyed it, nevertheless. I love the historical references. 

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GOP Donor Claims Pope Francis Is Jewish Agent Installed to Distribute Vaccine

"A former Utah tech executive and prominent GOP donor said Tuesday that he believed Pope Francis was secretly a Jewish agent installed to help distribute the COVID-19 vaccine around the world in an effort to create "totalitarian rule."
Dave Bateman, co-founder of property management software brand Entrata, stated these beliefs in a mass email that was sent to numerous people within his company, as well as state officials and other tech moguls. This was first reported by the Deseret News, which was able to obtain a copy of Bateman's rant containing a number of antisemitic conspiracy theories.
"For 300 years the Jews have been trying to infiltrate the Catholic Church and place a Jew covertly at the top," the email stated. "It happened in 2013 with Pope Francis. I believe the pandemic and systematic extermination of billions of people will lead to an effort to consolidate all the countries in the world under a single flag with totalitarian rule."
"I write this email knowing that many of you will think I'm crazy after reading it," Bateman began. "I believe there is a sadistic effort underway to euthanize the American people. It's obvious now. It's undeniable, yet no one is doing anything. Everyone is discounting their own judgment and dismissing their intuition. I believe the Jews are behind this."" 

Yup. He's right. I read it and I think he's crazy.

More space lasers anyone?

Steve Thomas

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4 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:

"A former Utah tech executive and prominent GOP donor said Tuesday that he believed Pope Francis was secretly a Jewish agent installed to help distribute the COVID-19 vaccine around the world in an effort to create "totalitarian rule."


4 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:

Dave Bateman, co-founder of property management software brand Entrata, stated these beliefs in a mass email that was sent to numerous people within his company, as well as state officials and other tech moguls.


Bateman resigned as CEO of Entrata just a few hours after sending the e-mail.    :o )


Edited by Sandy Larsen
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10 minutes ago, Sandy Larsen said:

Bateman resigned as chairman of Entrata just a few hours after sending the e-mail.    :o )


Actually, the company gave him the boot. Even though he was co-founder.



Edited by Sandy Larsen
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Exclusive: Secret Commandos with Shoot-to-Kill Authority Were at the Capitol

DoJ organized FBI and ATF strike teams at Quantico to sit on Go in case of WMD or terrorist attack on Jan 6, plus potentially institute the COG contingency plan.  One interesting note is that this, like Valkyrie, was authorized under plans already signed by President Trump.  However - and say what you will - it's a sign that the worst that is feared has not yet come to pass, since the "democratic process" of a Capitol riot was not interfered with.



Edited by David Andrews
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I also voted for Bernie Sanders, twice!!!

I would like to encourage everyone to watch this documentary. The fellow that did it managed to get numerous interviews with key players, who also happened to be very dangerous people. There is nothing like video interviews with primary sources:


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8 hours ago, David Andrews said:

Exclusive: Secret Commandos with Shoot-to-Kill Authority Were at the Capitol

DoJ organized FBI and ATF strike teams at Quantico to sit on Go in case of WMD or terrorist attack on Jan 6, plus potentially institute the COG contingency plan.  One interesting note is that this, like Valkyrie, was authorized under plans already signed by President Trump.  However - and say what you will - it's a sign that the worst that is feared has not yet come to pass, since the "democratic process" of a Capitol riot was not interfered with.



The whole 1/6 scrum makes no sense. 

If we are to believe M$M, everyone in the world "knew" or was informed  Trump elements planned to end democracy that day by storming the Capitol.  Even hardcore state assets (see above) were moved into place.

Then 1/6 comes, the scrum rather easily storms the Capitol. The Capitol Police department, with 3,500 officers, appears to have a few hundred officers at the scene and they stand down.  (Remember the Capitol Police report to the legislative branch). The commander of the Capitol Police Civil Disturbances Unit is at home "making meatloaf" when the Capitol is stormed (per WaPo). 

There are video'ed accounts of key actors directing the largely unorganized scrum into Capitol entrances. Most of the 700-odd arrested rioters just walked in, where they happily texted and phoned others about their triumph while on location, saying they had been let in, and thus giving piles of evidence to federal prosecutors. The key actors directing or exhorting the scrum are un-prosecuted to this day.

OK, the national-security-state M$M seems to hew to this narrative: Trump directed the 1/6 attack on the Capitol, and everyone knew the attack was coming. So when 1/6 comes, the unarmed scrum is able to actually breach the Capitol. 

What part of this narrative makes sense? 

PS: Yes, one person in the scrum was arrested carrying a firearm. Christopher Alberts is his name. He was released on his own recognizance on 1/7, and has not been prosecuted.


In comparison, Mr. Buffalo Horns, a penniless gadfly from Phoenix, has been in prison January 2021 and will stay there for years. 

This makes sense to readers of the JFK assassination forum? Why? 




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7 hours ago, Matt Allison said:

I also voted for Bernie Sanders, twice!!!

I would like to encourage everyone to watch this documentary. The fellow that did it managed to get numerous interviews with key players, who also happened to be very dangerous people. There is nothing like video interviews with primary sources:


Thanks for sharing this Matt.  It's very disturbing and insightful.  I too believe everyone should take time to watch it.  Not just here.  Everyone in the USA should.

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1 hour ago, David Andrews said:

Encore tomorrow?  Historical reenactors?


David A--

Yes, 1/6 will go down as worse than Pearl Harbor, 9/11, and the 1814 sacking of the White House and the Capitol put together...or the day freedom fighters stood up for America. 

Somehow, these narratives miss the mark....


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5 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

Thanks for sharing this Matt.  It's very disturbing and insightful.  I too believe everyone should take time to watch it.  Not just here.  Everyone in the USA should.

Worth a bump.  All should see.

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Just watched Matt Allison's posted video.

If the contents of this documentary don't seriously frighten you regards the direction this country is headed via Trump inspired supporters and their use of violence ... and the acceptance of this violence by tens of millions of other Trump supporters, what would?

I posted the following link in the Trump thread earlier.

Watching MA's video link above compels me to post it here as well.

It's gut wrenching disturbing to see how irrationally entrenched these Trump supporter people are in the obsessively pushed Trump delusion that the 2020 presidential election was rigged and stolen.

Tens of millions of Americans! Maybe over 100 million? 

It's mass denial of reality and delusion to the highest irrational degree.

To the very scary real point that these 100 million are now saying extreme violence actions like the 2021 January 6th attack on our sacred democracy representing Capital building ( while full of our Congress members! ) ... are OKAY! 

Include in this embracing violence craziness the heroization of illegal assault weapon using and two protester killing and just 17 year old kid Kyle Rittenhouse.

What has Trump and his worked up base wrought upon us?  Scary violence advocating chaos?


Edited by Joe Bauer
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This is Peter Navarro about the takeover plan..

It was going to be a real  "cool coup". In fact , not even a coup really.

You'd barely notice it.

Hey, just carry on with whatever you were doing.

I mean, nothing to get hung about!


Take this one.


Not this one. Can't get rid of it



Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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